Ausl’s apologies. VIDEO Reggionline – Quotidianionline – Telereggio – Trc – TRM |


REGGIO EMILIA – More timely processing of end of isolation or quarantine certificates. This is the goal of Reggio Emilia Ausl, whose public hygiene service has recently introduced a new automated system. The takeoff was not without setbacks.

The routing error resulted in a shower of end-of-quarantine certificates indicating an incorrect date. 600 were sent and the audience that received them corresponds to 7.5% of positive or suspicious people, so currently public hygiene is called upon to manage. The problem, which was caused by a misalignment of the data, lasted three days. Now everything is resolved, although in several cases the second document that arrived also contained an error, which was later definitively corrected with a third and final certificate.

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“The fault has been corrected – said the health director of Reggio Emilia Ausl, Cristina Marchesi – but it has caused disorientation among citizens and among family doctors who receive a copy of the certificate. We apologize for this. ” The apologies came on the occasion of the usual press conference on Friday morning that took stock of the assistance in this phase of the pandemic.

The number of positive cases has decreased slightly, but the pressure on hospital structures remains. At the moment, there are 271 hospitalized patients from Covid, 31 units in seven days and 96 compared to the peak registered on November 24 when 37 places were occupied in intensive care, while today we are at 23. “There is diversity in this second pandemic wave of the one experienced last spring – the words of Giorgio mazzi, director of the Reggio Emilia hospital – The number of hospitalized patients is lower and the evolution of the clinical picture is slower ”.

Among the novelties announced by the company, the introduction of the pediatric Usca. The free choice pediatricians who have joined the project will intervene at home to visit their patients. They can do it on their own, with the help of a nurse, or with one of the special teams of professionals who work the territory from house to house. The same pediatricians will also take care of the patients of colleagues who have not given availability. At first, then, the administration of antigenic swabs in the clinics of family pediatricians.

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Reggio emilia ausl reggio emilia hospitalizations Cristina Marchesi Error Beds Coronavirus emergency COVID-19 covid departments end of quarantine
