The Uil Scuola anticipates on a card the amendments approved in the Senate regarding the school of the August decree that is now being examined in the House. In the next few days, the decree should be published in the Official Gazette.
Agile work and leave for quarantined children
When a cohabiting child under the age of 14 is quarantined due to positivity at school, one of the two parents can take advantage of the agile work. If you can’t take advantage of agile work, you can take advantage of the extraordinary license. The measure is expected to last until December 31. The replacement of personnel who benefit from agile work or leave is expected.
School building
A fund is planned for local authorities for the rental of spaces and the rental of temporary structures for:
▪ 3 ml of euros for 2020;
▪ 6 million euros by 2021.
In addition, another 10 million euros are also provided for each of the years 2020 and 2021 in favor of the local authorities for structural or extraordinary maintenance work in school buildings.
It is also expected that the winners of the DSGA contest will be hired in the regions whose rankings are published before December 31, 2020, within the limit of authorized places for the academic year. 2020/21. In the positions where the new DSGA will assume their functions, the regencies and the positions of DSGA assigned to the interim administrators will be revoked, while the administrative assistants already appointed for a specified term will continue to perform their service in substitution of the interim administrators.
Covid substitutes
Immediate dismissal, in case of confinement, for Covid substitutes is eliminated. The staff will be able to carry out the work in an agile way. There are some doubts in particular for school employees whose functions do not allow them to work in an agile manner.
Agile and Ata work masters
“The agile work methods referred to in article 263 of the decree-law of May 19, 2020, n. 34 except in cases of suspension of educational activities in presence after the epidemiological emergency”.
Sentences in elementary school
The intermediate and final evaluation of the learning of students in primary classes, for each of the study disciplines, is expressed through a descriptive judgment reported in the evaluation document and referred to the different learning levels, according to terms and methods defined by order of the Minister of Education. ‘instruction.
Fragile workers
Until October 15, absences from the service of fragile workers are equated with illness, with hospitalization, prescribed by the competent health authorities, as well as by the primary care doctor in charge of the patient, on the documented basis of recognition of disability o Competent medical-legal bodies. However, it is not possible to take advantage of vacations not taken due to absences from the service due to immunosuppression, oncological diseases, life-saving therapies, disabilities with serious connotations (law 104/92)
From October 16 to December 31, 2020 it is expected that fragile workers, if they are not completely inhibited from the service, can perform different tasks included in the same category or area of employment, as defined by the current collective agreements or specific professional training activities also remotely.