the decree August is law. Final approval of the Chamber of the Camera available, which was approved in Montecitorio with 265 votes in favor, 180 opposites and due abstained. It is about 25 billion boost the economy to deal with the emergency COVID-19. The provision was expanded during the review in Senate, where it was decided to simplify the super bonus to ensure the streamlining of procedures. In the decree there is also the leave easier for me parents with children in quarantine and other measures in favor of smart work, particularly for “fragile” workers.
They are approximately 12 and billions dedicated to support tools for income, since layoffs Covid to new emission rights, more measures to encourage the job. Another piece will Common, Province me Regions they receive another 5 billion. For him schools reopening approx. billion. The health care has as five hundred million of funds to reduce waiting lists, and nearly $ 400 million available to the emergency commissioner to fund vaccinations Italians against the Coronavirus.
A new fiscal intervention is also planned, which is worth around 6 trillion: the postponement to April of the November deposit for autonomous (Isa subjects and flat fee) is valid 2.2 billion. The rest is for the payment in installments of the terms suspended during the emergency shutdown: who has not paid taxes, withholdings and contributions to March, April and May, you will no longer be obliged to pay everything before the end of the year, but you can choose to half balance that due inside December and the rest in others 24 monthly installments.
For activities related to culture me tourism the second installment of the IMU is canceled, while a movie theater me theater payments in 2021 and 2022 are also refunded outdoor tables they can continue to hold out until end of the year without having to pay Tosap me What P for the occupation of public land. Until October 15, even street vendors receive the exemption. For restaurants, the contributory to lost fundor for purchases of materie prime 100% made in Italy which starts at 2,500 euros. The restaurants in the historic centers of 29 cities of art – with a high tourist vocation – you can obtain a contribution that starts from a minimum of 1000 euros and can reach a maximum of 150 thousand. me cab me single can receive up to 600 euros more thanks to the travel voucher.
All production activities may continue to use the Cig Covid, linked to to block Gods layoffs, For another 18 weeks or alternatively enjoy one discount on contributions for employees returning to work, which becomes di 6 months for new hires. For all citizens, the invoice fees remain suspended only for a few days, until mid-October, while from December, paying with Map me ATM, you will begin to accumulate the points that will entitle you to refund of money.
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How quarantine changes: 10 days and only one test for the asymptomatic. Positive for 21 days but without symptoms you can leave