
It is difficult that the first composition of the director’s table is already “perfect” in the first year of incardination. In fact, it will take patience, sometimes even a full school year, before evaluating it as stabilized. However, the school year start function chart should be ready by the end of September. Only after it has been drafted will it be possible to proceed, always with clarity and an overall strategic vision, to the formalization of the DS delegations and the tasks for the operation of the school, in the organizational and didactic dimensions.
Review the delegated powers
During the year, the director will be able to return to the tasks already assigned, to better define them, especially with regard to the “separations” of competences and the “vacancies” that, as specified in a guide prepared by the National Association of Directors , is determined or defined at a later stage.
The written form
The attribution of proxies and tasks must be done in writing, using a “thought” model as evidenced in “From today manager The agenda of the first 100 days” by Marina Imperato. Although the executive is exclusively competent for the delegation of powers (that is, related to the exercise of the powers that correspond to it and attributed to it by law) and duties (related to powers not directly attributable to the executive), it is suggested to identify forms adequate coordination with the Council. of the teaching staff with regard to the so-called instrumental functions, despite the presence of clauses of the CCNL now ineffective after the entry into force of Legislative Decree 150/2009.
The regulations for the appointment of the second deputy director of the DS
The regulations: DL n. 165 of 03/30/2001
The art. 25, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 03/30/2001 establishes that, annually, the school director “in the performance of his organizational and administrative functions” may “make use of the teachers identified by him, to whom specific tasks can be delegated, and is assisted by the administrative director, who supervises, with operational autonomy, within the framework of the general guidelines given and the assigned objectives, the administrative services and general services of the educational institution, coordinating the relative personnel ”.
The regulations: DLVO n. 297 of 04/16/1994
Article 7, paragraph 2, letter h of Legislative Decree no. 297 of 04.16.1994 indicates that the teaching staff “chooses, in number one in schools up to 200 students, two in schools up to 500 students, three in schools up to 900 students, and four in schools with more than 900 students, teachers appointed to collaborate with the didactic director or the director; one of the substitutes elected the didactic director or the rector in case of absence or impediment. In the schools referred to in article 6, whose sections or classes are all destined to the instruction and education of minors with disabilities even in cases where the number of students in the club or institute is less than two hundred, the teachers’ college chooses two teachers appointed to collaborate with the didactic director or the director “.
DLvo n. 297 of 04.16.1994: Law 107/2015 and art. 88 of the CCNL
Law 107/2015 and art. 88 of the CCNL of the school for the 2006/2009 triennium (Compensation and remuneration paid by the school fund) concludes the excursus of legislation that, for various reasons, provides or integrates the functions of collaborator of the school director. The contract, in particular, establishes that in article 88, section f), that “the remuneration to be paid to the teaching staff, no more than two units, whose collaboration the director of the center intends to use in the performance of their functions organizational and managerial. These remunerations cannot be combined with the remuneration for the instrumental functions of the training offer plan in accordance with article 33 of this CCNL “.
The decree appointing the second DS assistant
On this trip we will be accompanied by the director Vincenzo Caico, in charge of the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” in Monfalcone (GO), who has made available the model of “Appointment Decree” of the second collaborator, which we propose here and we adapt to the needs of managers at all levels.