Attempts to kill his arrested wife – Last Hour


(ANSA) – PIACENZA, MAY 01 – A 66-year-old man has been
arrested by the Carabineros de Fiorenzuola (Piacenza) for attempted
murder and illegal possession of a weapon. The military are
intervened at his home in the municipality of Alseno where, on top of
an argument with his wife, he would have pulled out a gun and shot
a blow Fortunately the woman was not injured and is
managed to escape
The carabinieri blocked it and seized the
semi-automatic pistol, with regular serial number but
clandestine (i.e. unregistered) that has now been sent to the Ris
from Parma for future research. The man, with precedents
the penalties, on the other hand, are found in the Piacenza de Novate prison his
disposition of the prosecutor Matteo Centini. The motif is still an object.
of research by researchers.