Azzolina in defense of Prof of the school public. For the Minister of Education it is in fact an attempt to discredit prof. “I am afraid there is an attempt to discredit the school staff», he told Rg3.
ALSO READ Covid, the regions: so no school. But in distances and buses it is
“If there were workers at risk, our task, as for the entire PA, is to guarantee them as much as possible. Certificates will not arrive en masse. A procedure is also described in the issuing document. We also work in the Ministry of Public Function and in the Ministry of Health ”, Azzolina explained later about the fear that many teachers will fall ill for fear of Covid. “Even for state tests it was said that “everyone will get sick.” But we have serious and capable personnel ”, concluded the minister.
In any case, Italian schools run the risk of reopening on September 14 with empty seats and few school staff, in the year when teachers and Ata are most needed. If it is true that today the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri signed the decree for the permanent hiring of 84,808 teachers – “good news for precarious teachers and for students who will thus be guaranteed teaching continuity,” he said. -Commented the minister- the problem is that in the end it is likely that the hiring of teachers in office will be much lower: there are those who speak of only 30 thousand. In fact, in the rankings of several provinces, mainly in the Center-North, many kinds of competition are exhausted and also the rankings of merit.
The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, hopes that some places will be assigned through a “quick call”, but the restriction of stay of 5 years weighs a lot. “C” is a very low percentage of vacancies coverage that to date does not exceed 30% – observes the secretary of the CISL School, Maddalena Gissi- the most disastrous situation is in support. Retired teachers will hardly be covered. The clear proof of unsuccessful hiring options, which have sadly been handed down from government to government for too long.
According to some forecasts, a school year opens with the spectrum of 250,000-300,000 substitutes, also because the current figures must be added to the Covid workforce, some 70,000 teachers and school collaborators. At the same time, as the date of return to school approaches and at the same time the number of infections increases these days, there are teachers who suffer from pathologies who ask to stay at home. In addition, Italy has a record in terms of the high age of school personnel: the percentage of those over 55 is 40-45% and that of over 62 is 171 thousand.
Meanwhile, the Unified Conference definitively rejected the document of the Higher Institute of Health and the Inail on the management of possible cases of contagion in schools while between today and tomorrow the technical discussion on public transport continues for the Unified Conference of the next Monday.
“Well, the agreement with the Regions, now forward to September 14,” said Minister Azzzolina. The Scientific Technical Committee’s orientation to increase the capacity of the vehicles from the current 50% to 75% is considered positive by the Regions, although the hope of the governors is that it can reach 80%. Even in this condition, however, there will be students who will not find space to go to school on trains, buses and subways.
In Lombardy, it is estimated that of the 257 thousand high school students who use the media with the capacity of 80%, however, about 77 thousand will remain on foot, while with a filling of 60% (the one provided by the Dpcm of 7 August) will be 138 thousand. “We do not have flexibility margins, we have put what we had, we do not have the means available, the races already have a considerable level of frequency and, objectively, more of that will not be feasible,” said the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala. And the first citizen of Rome, Virginia Raggi asked for ‘clemenzA’. “The reopening of the school year will certainly create critical problems, we have 1200 schools in Rome. We are all working on the realization and to prevent them. Everyone be more forgiving, because the will is to react. If there are critical problems, they will be addressed.
Meanwhile, 799 and 342 chairs have been delivered to Codogno, Alzano and Nembro; from Monday the counters will reach Bergamo, Brescia, Piacenza. And while the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, continues to attack the Minister of Education “Azzolina must go home, we give her a bench with wheels to take a walk in Piazza del Campo”, the confrontation has also opened within the majority: to provoke an interview with the president of the senators Pd Marcucci, who defined the contribution of Minister Azzolina as “insufficient”. “Whoever attacks him attacks the entire government. The Democratic Party must make it clear if it shares those words, “said several exponents of the M5S.
Last updated: 20:14