ATA, extension of temporary positions in former LSU positions until February 28 –



The contracts of ATA substitutes in reserved positions ex LSU have been extended from December 31 to February 28, 2021.

Article 5, paragraph 5, of the Milleproroghe (decree-law of December 31, 2020) has extended until March 1 the date from which the already employees of the cleaning companies that will be in a useful position, in comparison with the reserved places of ATA, in the rankings referred to in article 58, paragraph 5-sexies, of Decree Law No. 69 of 2013.

In article 58, paragraph 5-sexies, of the decree-law of June 21, 2013, n. 69, converted, with modifications, by law of August 9
2013, n. 98, the words “as of January 1, 2021” are replaced by the following: “as of March 1, 2021”, read the decree published in the Official Gazette.

Therefore, the substitutions of old LSU positions planned until December 31, 2020 are extended until February 28, 2021.

Milleproroghe decree published in the Official Gazette: measures for the school

Lazio note

