ATA 2020/21 substitutes, calls are ongoing. Third level classifications valid for one more year


2020/21 School Year Beginning – ATA Staff Calls are underway. The third level rankings will be renewed next year.

Various school offices are posting notices for the ATA staff call for the purpose of substitutes for the 2020/21 school year.

Summons order

Calls are made from the first and second bands. Once these rankings are exhausted, the third band will be passed.

Validity of the third rail classifications

Third-level rankings are valid for three years, meaning they will be valid for the entire 2020/21 school year. Until the next update, it will not be possible to insert new titles or change province: the rankings will remain the same as in 2018/19, regulated by Ministerial Decree 640 of August 30, 2017.
The decree for renewal and new additions is scheduled for 2021, subject to ministerial changes.

Substitute regulation

To regulate the substitutions of ATA personnel, there is Ministerial Decree 430 of December 13, 2000.

When substitutes are granted
Article 1, paragraph 1, of the aforementioned decree established: “In cases in which it has not been possible to assign on the availability of positions of administrative, technical and auxiliary personnel, temporary personnel in use or, for any reason, personnel with an indefinite contract, the following are available:

a) Annual substitutions, to fill vacant positions, available before December 31;

b) temporary substitutions until the end of the teaching activity, to cover the non-vacant places, in fact available before December 31 and until the end of the school year;

c) temporary substitutes, for any other substitute requirement different from the previous cases“.

N.B: It is advisable to follow the sites of the territorial spaces for calls
