At the New Year’s Eve party on Lake Garda, the resort owner speaks: “I apologize, but I had to survive: that lunch was legal” – Video


Overwhelmed by the controversy over the New Year’s Eve party that took place at his resort in Garda, the owner of the Splendido Bay Luxury Resort hotel, Ivan Favalli, tried to defend himself with a video on Facebook. After the uproar caused by the images disseminated on social networks, escaping the broadcast prohibition that the organizers themselves had requested, Favalli explained that everything would be carried out with total legality, since the hotel could be open and could serve meals at home . guests, as required by regulations also in the red zone according to the Christmas decree on the Coronavirus emergency.

Reservations in recent days, however, would have been many, to the point of making it difficult to service lunches in all rooms: “We organized a meal with several courses to entertain customers and make sure that in the evening they could be satisfied with a cold plate on the table. The hotel has had many reservations, especially with the word of mouth generated by young people and until that moment we are within the law “.

However, Favalli’s first explanations are not enough to stop the controversy over that crowded and festive party, despite the restrictions in force these days with the Christmas decree. The resort owner is forced to apologize more clearly with a second post: “for not being able to handle the situation and the behavior of the clients in the best way”, promising that it will never happen again and reiterating that for him and his structure it was “a matter of survival.”

Video: Facebook / Vista Agency | The owner of the hotel Splendido Bay Luxury Resort in the province of Brescia raises his voice after the controversy over the New Year’s lunch in its structure

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