Every effort will be made to complete the school year that started a few weeks ago, but the situation is very complex. School principals sound the alarm. There are still many schools waiting for teachers (there are not many substitutes yet) and single-seater desks and the National Association of Directors has written directly to Minister Lucía Azzolina requesting to urgently convene the permanent national table, provided for by the security protocol for the reopening of schools . There are also reports of problems in relations with local health authorities to warn families of a possible quarantine.
As Lorena Loiacono writes Delivery courier, the challenge now is to be on time with the follow-up, schools are struggling to move forward, around 130 institutes have already had to close classes and move teaching online:
A painful decision that corresponds to the local health authorities and the municipalities that decide to hijack teaching on the web. Even Minister Lucía Azzolina, assuring that schools are now more prepared for distance education, is determined not to close them. But the contagion curve, which inevitably affects schools as well, is closely watched. Today Ministers Azzolina and Speranza will meet with experts from the Higher Institute of Health to analyze the data collected by schools regarding infections: it is necessary to understand what the maximum risk threshold should be. Beyond which there will be a mini lock.
The hypothesis half distance and half classroom lessons
There are those who are pushing to return at least in part to online teaching, at least for half of the weekly class hours. In some cities it is already like that, a week at home and a week in class. If, as possible, 3,000-4,000 infected per day are reached, a plan B is already in circulation on the tables of some regions, in particular Lazio: for secondary schools, if necessary, you can resort to shifts in school , 50 percent of students in presence, 50 at a distance, in alternate shifts. He always tells it in the Delivery courier Mauro Evangelisti.
This solution should apply only to secondary schools for two reasons: the first is that children, with a very marked sociability, are the ones who involuntarily risk most of fueling transmission; the second: those over 14 years old can stay home alone without a relative, on the contrary, forcing some of the younger children to study at home would put parents who have to go to work in great difficulties.
In three weeks the effect of the reopening of schools on infections will be definitely clear and the time for decisions will come. They will not be easy decisions. Staggering attendance in secondary schools would partially solve the problem of public transport overcrowding, because it would cut in half the number of students between the ages of 14 and 18 who have to arrive at your school every day.
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