at risk of closing restaurants, hair salons and gyms


A few days after the new dpcm that introduced the first limitations to “nightlife” and social contacts, in the next few hours – according to some forecasts also on Friday night – Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte could decide on a new adjustment to stop the huge growth of Covid infections in Italy. A series of strict measures that will be calculated according to the latest decree.

Following the example of France, where after having exceeded 20 thousand infections a day, President Emmanuel Macron opted for a curfew from 21 to 6 in the main cities of the country, Conte was able to prepare, according to the advice of the Technical Committee Scientific and in agreement with the authorities. locals and ministers, a confinement from 10 at night until the early hours of the morning, still allowing exits out of necessity or for work reasons.

Fearsome hypotheses

Therefore, there would be total closures of public places, including restaurants, pubs, bars and patisseries. Among the other hypotheses in the field also the return of distance education for secondary schools and the move to gyms, hairdressers, cinemas and theaters. To fear this hypothesis the Minister of Autonomies, the dem Francesco Boccia. These arrangements would last for several weeks, including November. Among the possible interventions also the reduction of the number of students inside the buses. Measures that must be coordinated with the regions, so as not to end up in heterogeneous measures.

A step forward, therefore, to stop the curve: according to some experts it would be essential to avoid a total blockage in a week, saving in some way the Christmas holidays and the national economy in a crucial month like December. In this sense, the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Dario Franceschini, asked Prime Minister Conte to convene a meeting on his return from Brussels, in the vicinity, to adopt a series of measures to be agreed with the regions.

And there will also be other measures in Emilia-Romagna to stop the Covid-19 race. “We are discussing together with my colleagues from the other regions and with the Government what additional measures to take to counteract the spread of the virus,” announces the Regional Health Councilor, Raffaele Donini.

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