At Christmas with your (but few), Musumeci: “Let’s avoid maxi tables”


This play of colors has caused conflict, bitterness and misunderstandings. The first to understand anything are the citizens ”. This was stated by the President of the Region, who expressed his opinion on the classification system of the regions based on epidemiological data. In a first phase it served to stimulate and facilitate the reading of epidemiological data, but now we need an orientation as homogeneous as possible ”.

Interviewed by RaiNews24, Musumeci said: “The Christmas period that promises to be alarming.” The governor invited the Sicilians to keep their guard up and avoid gatherings: “There are hundreds of people who breathe artificially in hospitals and who cannot receive a caress from their families.”

Then the governor took stock: “In the initial phase we imagine an average of 2,500 people who will arrive by plane in Sicily for the Christmas holidays. We have hired 157 doctors in the different positions. We must be prepared for the worst but I am moderately optimistic: because Christmas can be spent together but without being many at the table, to hope for a better Christmas 2021 ”.
