The pandemic hits France and tonight – Wednesday, October 28 – at 8:00 p.m. Emmanuel Macron, who chaired this morning a new defense council, the second in two days before the Council of Ministers, will announce a new squeeze against the Coronavirus. A closure that, however, provides for the opening of schools., the Report BFM-TV citing consistent sources. The same goes for public services. “Everything can evolve until the last moment”, warns a ministerial adviser.
In France yesterday they were detected 33,417 new cases according to data from Santé Publique France and the Ministry of Health. The day before, 26,771 people tested positive. In total, 1,198,695 positive tests have been issued since the outbreak. On the other hand, 523 people died in the last 24 hours, 288 in hospitals and 235 in nursing homes. Since the outbreak began, 35,541 people have died from Covid-19. In the last 24 hours, 1,194 people have been hospitalized, of which 148 in intensive care, compared to 186 on Monday.
According to the Minister of Public Accounts, Olivier Dussopt, a total national blockade in France would cost between 2 and 2.5 percentage points of GDP per month. “When the business stops for a whole month, the cost we lose is between 2 and 2.5 points of GDP. This is more than 10 billion euros of intervention costs and at least 10 billion euros of income. lost prosecutors, “explained the minister Radio Sud. If a total blockade were to come, the government would further strengthen support for the most affected companies, Dussopt assured: “We are preparing the measures that will be necessary to support the economy regardless of the measures taken.” This would lead the government to worsen its economic forecast for 2020: it currently has a 10% recession and a public deficit of more than 10.2%.