Astrazeneca, Italy, France, Germany and Spain suspend its use as a precautionary measure


After the election of Germany and several other countries, the stop also comes to Italy. L ‘Aifa has decided to extend the ban on the use of AstraZeneca vaccine Covid19 “throughout the national territory”. This decision, explains an agency press release, “was taken in line with similar measures taken by other European countries. Further investigations are currently underway.”

Aifa: “Brief indications for the second dose”

Aifa, “in coordination with the EMA and the rest of European countries, will jointly evaluate all the events that have been reported after vaccination.” Finally, the Medicines Agency “will promptly announce each more information that should be available, including other modalities completion of the vaccination cycle for those who have already received the first dose. “

AstraZeneca case: what we know about the effects of vaccines on blood clotting

by Elena Dusi

Sources from the Ministry of Health have announced that the decision to suspend the administration of the Astrazeneca vaccine, for exclusively precautionary reasons, by Aifa was taken after an interview between the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Health Minister Roberto Speranza. During the day, Speranza held talks with the health ministers of Germany, France and Spain.

More research is currently underway. Later, Aifa announced that “in coordination with the EMA and the rest of the European countries, it will jointly evaluate all the events that have been reported after vaccination.”

Ema’s decision on Thursday

“Experts are examining in detail all the available data and the clinical circumstances surrounding specific cases to determine whether the vaccine may have contributed or whether the event is likely due to other causes,” explains the EMA. “The Ema Safety Committee (PRAC) will further review the information tomorrow (Tuesday ndr) and called an extraordinary meeting Thursday March 18 to finalize the information collected and any further action that may be necessary. “

“The benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine always outweigh the risks,” however, the EMA writes in the note with which it announced Thursday’s meeting. The World Health Organization has announced that “the WHO advisory committee for vaccine safety has reviewed the available data and is in close contact with the EMA,” with which a meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

Astrazeneca, the hub of Roma Termini closes: “We arrived here and they told us that the vaccines were suspended”

The european front

In France he was the president of the republic, Emmanuel Macron, to announce the suspension of the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine until tomorrow, pending the opinion of theMother, the European Medicines Agency. Macron said that “the decision (to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccine ndr.) was taken in accordance with our European policy. “

Giorgio Palù: “Enough of false alarms, vaccines are safe and Aifa watches”

by Michele Bocci

“We know the scope of this decision which was not taken lightly. But it is a factual decision and not a political one,” said the German Health Minister. Jens spahn, announcing that the Germany has temporarily discontinued use of AstraZeneca. “This is a purely precautionary decision.” “To maintain confidence in the vaccine, we must give our experts time to verify new cases and” clear any risks, “he continued.” It should be clear – he added – that not vaccinating also carries risks “.

In the evening, Spain also decided to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccines for 15 days as a precautionary measure. The European executive has signed a contract with AstraZeneca (the first in a long series of agreements with pharmaceutical companies) that provides for the supply to EU countries of 400 million doses.

The siege of Aifa taken by storm

The official website of Aifa, the Italian Medicines Agency, is suffering interruptions after the news of the suspension of the use of the AstraZeneca Covid19 vaccine throughout the national territory. The site has been inaccessible intermittently for about 1 hour, comes back online briefly but still has stumbling access issues. When connecting to, in fact, a white screen appears with the message “Service not available”. At the moment there are no official communications on Aifa’s social networks about the bad service, which could have been caused by the numerous accesses of users in search of information.

His 2,196,000 doses Astrazeneca vaccine delivered in Italy have been administered 1,093,800 million – According to data published by the government, 49.8% of those who came to our country. The first doses of the serum from the Anglo-Swedish company were administered in Italy on February 11: 2,919 inoculations were made that day, while the peak was reached last Friday, with 64,684 doses administered.
