Did a miracle happen in the sky of Assisi? This is what the tens of thousands of Facebook and Instagram users are wondering who, on the official profile of “San Francesco d’Assisi”, saw the photo of the photographer Christopher Wentworth and that leaves little room for the imagination.
The image of a San Francisco in the clouds It seems to speak to the birds, as recounted in the miracle of the sermon that took place between 1212 and 1213, undoubtedly the best known miracle of the Saint, also told in a famous painting by Giotto preserved inside the Upper Basilica of San Francis of Assisi. .
The shot of the American photographer, who lives in Assisi, has been on the web, enjoying great success in terms of likes, shares, comments and views. Wentworth himself wondered incredulously, after seeing the result of his shot: “Doesn’t that sound like St. Francis preaching to the birds?”. The photo can be purchased from an image database and, Wentworth wrote on his Facebook profile, 10% of the proceeds will be donated to the Wildlife Conservation Society for the protection of animals. As if to say that he also has something in common with San Francisco, respect for animals.
It would not be surprising if the saint appeared in Assisi. After all, everything in this city revolves around San Francesco, starting with the fact that he was born there. Most of the numerous historical monuments here are linked to the figure of the saint. In addition to the imposing Basilica, which also preserves its remains and in which you can admire works of inestimable value such as the frescoes by Giotto and his student Cimabue, walking through the via San Francesco You will soon arrive at the Oratory of S. Francesco Piccolino, where it is said that Francesco was born there.
Continuing on, we arrive at the Basilica of Santa Chiara, home of the Poor Clares. Here it is possible to contemplate the remains of the Saint and the famous wooden crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis.
Among the Franciscan symbolic places are also the Eremo delle Carceri, from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view, and La Porziuncola in S. Maria Degli Angeli, the small church that was restored directly by San Francesco after a dialogue with the Crucifix of San Damiano.
Finally, a few know the path of the Preaching to the birds of San Francesco, which the very original cloud seems to want to know and about which we at SiViaggia have recently written. This road, not yet recorded on official maps, winds its way from the Franciscan places of the historic center of Cannara, an Umbrian city in the province of Perugia, still today surrounded by splendid medieval walls, where the saint of Assisi conceived the SFO Third Franciscan Order . , for a stretch of about three kilometers, until reaching the exact place of the sermon, a Piandarca, an area still uncontaminated today that stretches between Cannara and Bevagna.
In the town of Pian d’Arca, half an hour from Cannara, there was once a stone, which then mysteriously disappeared, which tradition identifies with that in which the poor man would have placed himself to preach to the birds. However, although the stone was missing, the place continued to be a destination for the faithful and pilgrims. For this reason, in 2004, at the initiative of Pro Loco, another stone was placed exactly at that point. That can be seen today.