Assessment for coronavirus, teaching staff should integrate criteria and communicate the changes to families.



This is the provision of the draft ministerial ordinance related to the evaluation of students after the changes in teaching caused by the health emergency.

Board Resolution

According to the provisions of article 2, it will be necessary to gather a teachers’ college (obviously in the “remote” version) to integrate, if necessary, the evaluation criteria for the learning and behavior of the students already approved in the triennial plan of the training offer based on the indications contained in the order itself.

In addition, it will be the responsibility of the educational institution to warn families of the changes through the publication on the website, which will be considered as a temporary integration to the three-year plan of the training offer.

We recall the main changes contained in the draft

Possibility of promotion even in the presence of grades below six tenths in one or more disciplines.

Preparation of an individualized recovery plan for learning recovery.

Possibility of not admitting the student if there are no elements for the evaluation, except if the student has had problems related to participation in distance education.

Download the draft
