“I am sure that among Willy’s attackers were the brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli,” says a witness cited in the Velletri investigating judge’s order. “I have a vivid memory – adds a witness – of a couple of them, but I don’t remember who exactly, who even jumped on Willy’s body on the ground and was already defenseless.”
“I saw a large displacement car approaching ‘with a ball,’ out of which five people got out and threw themselves at anyone who approached, kicking and punching and then enraging Willy.” This was cited by a witness in the 14-page car with which the Velletri investigating judge confirmed the arrests of the four defendants for the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte, the 21-year-old boy who was beaten to death on the night of Saturday and Sunday. “While he was on the ground – continues the witness, recounting the stages of the beating – they kept kicking and punching Willy so much that he could no longer get up.” “Among Willy’s attackers, I am sure that there were the brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli,” adds the witness. Then there was a fourth person who had his arm in a cast and who got out of the SUV with the others ”. (THE WORDS OF BROTHER – THE ARRESTS – THE BAND – THE ZINGARETTI POST – THE INTERROGATION OF THE ARRESTED – THE WORDS OF THE COUNT)
The testimonials
“Someone yelled at me that my friend Willy, involved in the uproar, was lying on the ground and I, making space between people, actually noticed Willy on the ground on the sidewalk in spasms, like convulsions,” says a witness. friend of the victim, mentioned in the warrant. “There were many people around him and I remember that someone tried to rescue him and revive him,” adds the witness. “I have a vivid memory – says a witness – of a couple of them, but I don’t remember who exactly, who even jumped on Willy’s body on the ground and already defenseless.”
The stages of the beating
Colleferro murder, autopsy: to provoke the death of Willy’s polytrauma
To the words of the witness is added the testimony of Francesco Belleggia, 23, from today under house arrest, contained in the order that validates the arrest. As reconstructed, the Bianchi brothers, Pincarelli and another person arrived at the place called by a friend because a strong fight had broken out between some friends of Willy and Belleggia, due to a thanks addressed to a girl in the ‘Duedipicche’ pub. Brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli reportedly arrived at the scene for a punitive raid in a sedated fight, but when they got out of the truck they began to “savagely beat” anyone who approached. The violent blows struck first Willy’s friend and then the 21-year-old who rushed to defend him. The boy, who “had nothing to do with it”, found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, is hit “suddenly with a kick to the chest”, falls to the ground and is enraged on him. Willy gets up, almost an affront to the pack that – the texts say – ends with a beating that lasts almost twenty minutes. Around the young, someone flees, someone tries to revive him while he is now lifeless on earth. Meanwhile, the pack flees in the van. The police will locate them in a bar.
The words of the investigating judge
“The position of Belleggia seems more nuanced”, writes the Velletri investigating judge against the suspect who obtained house arrest today. “In the opinion of this judge, the investigative emergencies collected – he writes in the order – the significant compatibility between the statements made during the interrogation, the different positions of evidence force us to distinguish the position of Belleggia who, although in reality has given origin and reason In the discussion that was later raised as a pretext for the attack, when two Bianchi brothers attacked Willy and another subject, the latter was involved in a verbal confrontation that, as can be seen from the statements of two witnesses, at first had tried to avoid, apologizing for the other’s act, and finally it ended without violence and without meaning. ”For the magistrate, therefore,“ if certainly the blow against Zuma and his involvement in the aggression that led to Willy’s death allow us to appreciate , for the same reasons stated in relation to the position of the co-suspects, a concrete and current danger of repetition of similar criminal conduct it is the one by which it is proceeded, this in fact seems to be contained by the less severe home precaution. “