Assassination of Colleferro, funeral of Willy Monteiro: white balloons and applause


Much excitement and long applause – this is how the coffin of Willy Monteiro Duarte, the 21-year-old from Paliano murdered on the night of September 5-6 in Colleferro. Hundreds of people came to the ‘Piergiorgio Tintisona’ sports field for the Willy’s funeral: masks on faces marked by pain, contingent income and temperature measurement. Many of those present stayed outside the plant to reach the maximum capacity allowed: they also joined in the applause that broke the silence of the people in mourning.

Willy’s funeral: white jerseys and balloons on the Paliano sports field

A human crowd in white shirts that filled the sports field prepared for Willy’s last goodbye. the white, the color of innocence and frankness, chosen by the young man’s family to remember him along with his friends and the authorities present. The coffin, light brown in color, covered in white roses, placed on a small stage where Bruno Conti left a shirt of Roma, Willy’s favorite team.

The bishop: “An execrable fact, we also ask God for strength for forgiveness”

To celebrate the funeral the Bishop of Tivoli, Matteo Parmeggiani: “From Sunday morning until today, many words have been said and written about an execrable event that this morning sees us gathered together so that our hearts are deeply moved and struck. So that the barbaric and unjust death of Willy does not fall into oblivion, let us all commit ourselves: institutions, police forces, men and women of politics, school, sports and leisure, the Church, families and those who have the keys of enormous power, that of the media – to commit ourselves together, beyond any personal interest and without looking the other way, pretending not to see, to reconnect an educational pact in 360 degrees ” – he said.

“Let us also ask God for the strength to one day know how to forgive those who have achieved the irreparable – the homily concludes– To forgive but also to ask that they follow a path of re-education according to what the justice system provides and in places, such as prisons, which must increasingly be environments of authentic rehabilitation of the human ”.

Prime Minister Conte at Willy’s funeral: “No to the mythology of violence”

At the end of the ceremony the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte He hugged the boy’s mother and father, Lucía and Armando, and his sister Milena: “Italy is with you and loves you. Now we expect severe and certain sentences ”.

“We have all followed this story of heinous violence, we cannot underestimate or minimize it at all. We cannot downgrade it to a single isolated episode. We must confront and become fully aware that there are some fringes, some fragile social foci of the population, that cultivate the mythology of violence and oppression. This consciousness – He told the press – It must mobilize all of us, at all levels: families, parents, teachers, politicians, journalists. We all have to work for a common goal: to fight against this mythology and to extinguish it ”.

Giuseppe Conte in Paliano for the funeral of Willy Monteiro (photo Ansa)

A school named after Willy

“Now we just have to make the family feel the closeness of everyone and soon demand justice. The Lazio Region – announced the president, Nicola Zingaretti – it will support family members for legal expenses and one of the hotel establishments in our area will be dedicated to Willy ”. Flags at half mast in the Regional Council.

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At the end of the ceremony another long applause accompanied the flight of dozens of white balloons and the departure of the coffin, tenderly kissed by the sister in front of the crowd on the street.
