Assassination Marco Vannini, pg: “Condemn Ciontoli to 14 years”


The Deputy Attorney General of the Court of Appeals of Rome Vincenzo Saveriano requested 14 years in prison for Antonio Ciontoli, his wife Maria Pezzillo and their two children Martina and Federico for complicity in voluntary murder with possible intention in relation to the death of Marco Vannini, 20 years. , which took place between May 17 and 18, 2015 in Ladispoli.


Assassination Marco Vannini, reconstructs the last words: “Please stop, it hurts”

As an alternative, the representative of the Prosecutor’s Office requested to retain only the relatives of the main defendant, who shot and killed Vannini, responsible for the anomalous concurrence (in accordance with article 116 of the criminal code) and to sentence them to 9 years and 4 months from prison.


Vannini, Ciontoli’s son: “It was I who immediately asked for help.” The mother: “Shameful”

The entire Ciontoli family is charged in the bis appeal process, after the Supreme Court ordered a new trial in the second degree for the recognition of the voluntary homicide with possible intent to kill Marco, who was killed by firearm while he was in the his girlfriend’s house in Ladispoli, on the Roman coast.

It was on the night of May 17-18, 2015, when Marco Vannini was wounded by a gunshot that exploded at Ciontoli’s house. The twenty-year-old from nearby Cerveteri, who shortly before had told his parents that he would be spending the night at his girlfriend’s house, investigators say, could be saved, but would have been left without help for two hours. A death sentence.


Marco Vannini, two other people at Ciontoli’s house on the night of the murder


Assassination Marco Vannini, Ciontoli’s girlfriend: “Antonio said it was just an anxiety attack”

In the first instance, Ciontoli had been sentenced by the Civitavecchia Court to 14 years in prison and the other defendants to three years. However, on appeal, the noncommissioned officer had seen the crime of involuntary manslaughter declassified and the sentence reduced to five years in prison, while the other three-year sentences had been confirmed. Sentence annulled by the Court of Cassation which, accepting the appeals of the Attorney General and the civil parties, ordered the new trial to be held before another section of the Court of Appeal of Rome.

For the judges of the Supreme Court

Vannini’s death occurred as a result of both the injuries caused by the pistol shot and the lack of help which, if activated quickly, would have “avoided the unfortunate effect”. “An omissionate conduct was carried out by all the defendants in the segment after the explosion of a shot attributable only to Antonio Ciontoli, who, after the guilty injury, was left inert, so he said the false thing, making the rescue difficult.”
