ASL Napoli 2 Nord clarified the reason for Napoli’s non-departure to Turin. Very delicate situation.
Regarding the event of no exit of the Napoli team after the communication of the positivity to the tampons for the players Zielinski and Elmas, theAsl Napoli 2 North “territorially competent for the residence of the two athletes“communicate that”National and regional standards on pandemic management have been applied. Epidemiological investigations were carried out, swabs were organized for relatives and close contacts, the delegation was communicated to the Napoli SOCC team doctor for the handling of suspected cases registered in Napoli SSC ”
ASL Napoli 2 Nord adds “According to the procedure, he then communicated to the other Health Authorities, competent for residence, the names of the close contacts of the positive players, in order to implement the procedure for tracking and containing the infection.” In fact, the situation is very delicate and difficult. Tomorrow there will surely be more press releases and possible measures from the competent authorities and the Serie A League.