As of today Liguria in the yellow zone, the restaurants are already sold out


“On Friday night we had not yet made the post for the reopening that we already had the whole place booked.” Monica Capurro, owner of the Santa Monica, on Lungomare Lombardi, is eager to reopen the restaurant. The seats in the lounge with the anti-Covid measures are 20 instead of 38, but the kitchen has reopened and since yesterday morning at 7 they were all working to prepare the bread and pastry lines. “We will have a more restricted menu – he explains – because the passage in the yellow zone caught us by surprise while we were doing the cleaning and preparations for Christmas. Of course, starting up again in the restaurant is not like opening the door of the home, it is difficult to stock up on such a short time, but it is still a good sign and I am very happy with the response I received from my customers. ” His restaurant, among other things, is just behind Corso Italia, an area closed by order of the mayor: “But customers can still access without problems.”

Reopening the 11 rooms, bringing the occupancy back to 75%, is also Mentelocale. “As always, we have to organize ourselves in a very short time – says the owner, Eugenio Musso – and a little more foresight would be useful, but we are still happy. I had already done the times of the week thinking only of takeaway food, yesterday morning from 5 to 7 I remade them on the fly and the boys, who have been at home for three weeks, made themselves available immediately and happy to resume . The only problem is still that of supplies, tomorrow Monday we run the risk of running out of coffee in some of our stores, because we had stopped placing orders to use the products we had in the stores that were closed. When we reopen the cafe it may not have arrived yet, but it is a problem that must be solved in a few hours ”. A not total reopening, obviously, since the “yellow zone” has a limited schedule until 6 in the afternoon.

“Now at least we can open at noon, and this allows us to recover a minimum of turnover – emphasizes Marina Porotto, president of Fipe Giovani Liguria, and owner of the Biggie, in Piazza delle Erbe – but in any case it is difficult, because we cannot compensate expenses. Also because opening restaurants for lunch can be helpful, but for breweries, pubs, cocktail bars it really makes little sense. ”That is precisely why Fipe, the federation of public companies of Confcommercio, continues to ask for the extension of opening hours at least until 10 pm. “Also because it is easier to control a public establishment – continues Porotto – than people on the street or at parties. We, nationwide, have activated a security protocol with the Spallanzani of Rome but what is needed now is compliance with the regulations. Strict controls and measures are needed for those who do not respect them, also because they are c they invest in unfair competition. “

However, the experience of these months has also become a tool to invent new paths and try innovative experiences. “Our category has taken a great evolutionary leap – continues Porotto – we have gone from digital, to social networks, to delivery, but this has also driven a greater awareness towards a more professional training. We were the ones who made the greatest effort to adapt. “A job that has led almost all the companies in the sector to reinvent their business: from the Mentelocale takeaway sprizzino, to the cocktails at home, Biggie’s delivery. , to the homemade pesto from Santamonica, which has many requests throughout northern Italy.
