
Published on: 01/01/2021 9:50 PM
As of January 7, Italy is again divided into a red zone, orange zone and yellow zone with different rules between the different regions depending on the bands traced by the ISS report. Meanwhile, for a few more days, according to the measures of the Christmas decree, the country will be solid and will have identical restrictions everywhere.
Weekend in the red zone, then one day, Monday, January 4, in the orange zone. On Saturday, January 2 and Sunday, January 3, in Italy, the rules provided for by the decree will continue to apply, which, in addition to the ordinary curfew between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., introduces restrictive measures for the days before holidays and public holidays. Travel, as is already established practice, is only allowed for work, need and health reasons and must be included in the necessary self-certification (Pdf form). It will be possible, once a day, to travel to visit family or friends, even to other Municipalities, but always and only within the same Region and within the maximum limit of two people. Self-certification should always be with you for trips and visits to family members. The veracity of self-declarations will be subject to subsequent controls and the proven falsehood of what is declared as a crime. The justification of the reason for the work can also be proved by showing the appropriate documentation, provided by the employer (credential or similar) suitable to demonstrate the declared condition.
TRAVEL – Returning to one’s residence, domicile or home is always a legitimate reason to move. Until January 6, all trips are prohibited, even to visit friends or family, which implies leaving the Region in which you live or in which you have residence. On days in the red zone, it will be possible, once a day, to travel to visit family or friends, even other Municipalities, but always and only within the same Region and within the maximum limit of two people. The person or two people who move can still bring with them children under 14 years of age (or other children under 14 over whom the same people exercise parental authority) and disabled or non-self-sufficient people living with them. You can go to help a family member or friend who is not self-sufficient.
RESTAURANTS AND BARS – Red zone rules state that restaurants and other catering activities, including bars, patisseries, and ice cream parlors, are open exclusively for the sale of take-out and home delivery. In the areas or at times when the consumption of food and beverages is suspended within the premises, customers are allowed to enter and stay there only for the time strictly necessary to purchase take-out products and always in compliance. of contagion prevention measures. However, meetings or consumptions are not allowed in the vicinity of the premises, retail trade activities are suspended, except the sale of food and identified basic needs. The sale of permitted goods can take place both in “neighborhood” establishments (small stores) as well as in medium and large sales structures, even within shopping centers, provided that access is only allowed to establishments or parts of establishments who sell the permitted goods. Shopping center closures on holidays and the eve of holidays remain firm. Markets are closed, except for activities for the sale of food products only. Newsstands, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies remain open.
ORANGE ZONE – The measures will be relaxed on Monday, January 4, when Italy will once again be the orange zone for 24 hours. The curfew remains between 22:00 and 5:00 am – You can move freely within your municipality, without self-certification, and you can move from small municipalities of less than 5000 inhabitants and within 30 kilometers, even if this means leave yours. region. However, it is still forbidden to travel to the provincial capitals: consequently, it will also be possible to visit friends and family “within these hours and territorial spaces”, as the government explains in the Faq.
JANUARY 7 – The Christmas decree provides valid measures until January 6. Starting at 7, therefore, Italy will return to the diversified system between the red, orange and yellow zones. The subdivision of the regions will come based on the data that in the coming days will be provided by the control room for regional monitoring and evaluated by the government, until the launch of the ordinances. The latest ISS report highlighted the rise in the Rt index to 0.93. In particular – the document analyzes – 9 autonomous regions and provinces are classified as low risk: 11 are classified as moderate risk, of which three (Emilia-Romagna, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto) have a high probability of progressing at high risk in next month if current transferability remains unchanged. One region (Sardinia) has a risk classification ‘not assessable’ – equivalent to high risk – given the low percentage of completeness of the data “.
The Calabria, Liguria and Veneto Regions have a punctual Rt compatible with a type 2 scenario in the coronavirus epidemic in Italy. This is of special concern and therefore we urge you to consider the application of the planned measures, for the levels of attributed risk, also at the end of these holidays, as described in the document ‘Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in Transition for the autumn-winter period ‘transmitted with the Circular of the Ministry of Health of 10/12/2020 Prot. 32732, according to the experts in the monitoring of the control room of the ISS-Ministry of Health, to the reference period 22-27 December.
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