As it happens now, infections are on the rise and Covid variants are “English” – look at how they manipulate you!


We have finally reached the day of Christmas Eve and we can say it sadly: this will not be a quiet Christmas.
On the contrary, it is a Christmas that is literally tarnished and tainted by this tragic story of inadequate political management of the coronavirus epidemic.
In particular they have chosen to attack Christmas as a strategic location, as strong of tradition, as an emblem of the family and the community. They have chosen to attack one of the strongholds of resistance to the politically and even therapeutically correct new world order.

It should not be overlooked, today more than ever, how the virus is perfectly aligned with the new ruling class, the liberal oligarchic bloc that it runs. to use your the epidemic, exploiting it as an objective conspiracy, as Agamben would say.

The objective conspiracy means that the power uses the virus and the epidemic by turning them promptly in its favor, not allowing them to lose this glorious opportunity to reshape society in an even more descending way for the benefit of the ruling classes and to the detriment of the already tortured dominated classes. .

Well it won’t have escaped you like these days precisely in conjunction with restrictive measures strict, increasingly worthy of Pinochet’s Chile, the virus is also proving to be suitable, once again, to the defenders of the therapeutically correct order, the hierophants of the new order of the crazy economy, the finance capital and the giants of commerce electronic.
In fact, the main newspapers tell us (very much in line with the single logo that is politically and therapeutically correct), they do not seem to decrease, on the contrary, in some regions they have already started to rise incredibly; so that the choice of drastic measures for this Christmas of 2020 appears again supported, and indeed good for the fact that the virus is right – coincidentally once again – to the defenders of the prevailing order.

Whatever its origin, the coronavirus is a virus that immediately “fought” on the side of the dominant.

He defended all his reasons and interests: from electronic commerce to finance, from the neutralization of the middle and working class to the working groups, passing through the destruction of parliamentary democracies.

Even now he clearly takes sides against the Brexi, if it is true (as it is true) that it seems like a manna from heaven to hit England at the specific moment of Brexit, showing the whole world that England is more isolated and that the fatal consequences for this free choice do not come from only the markets and the ruling classes, but even the invisible coronavirus, which has also chosen to hit a people guilty of having chosen to free themselves from that immense concentration camp that is modestly called the European Union, a denial of the noblest idea Europe.

Covid punctually serves the interests of the ruling classes and mortifies those of the lower classes.

RadioAttività, flashes of everyday thought – With Diego Fusaro
