as it appeared among dozens of soldiers, scandal in the United States – Libero Quotidiano


A photo triggers the controversy. In the viewfinder, once again, Donald trump. We are at the Military Academy of West Point, where the president of the United States, in the stands of the stadium, attended a soccer game. The point is that he did without using the mask, contrary to what the dozens of cadets around him did. Images, let’s face it, quite impressive: all masked, except for him. In short, the accusations are obvious: the tycoon sets a bad example. Especially in light of the fact that Trump, Covid, if it did. And also taking into account that in recent weeks the White House has become a real hotbed. Images that have unleashed a barrage of tweets against the president: “Put on the mask and stop endangering our young soldiers,” Donald chided.

It already has.  Not just money, an earthquake-indiscretion on Melania Trump: does it end badly with Donald?
