*** ARPAL: snow alert update *** – PianetaGenoa1893


The weather disturbance phase continues with precipitation also of a snowy nature in Liguria. Today the Arpal Meteorological Center has updated theSNOW ALERT for today, Saturday, January 2:

  • Zone A Internal municipalities (western region): YELLOW until 3 pm.
  • Zone B (center of the region):
    • Internal municipalities: ORANGE until 1:00 p.m. and YELLOW until 6:00 p.m.
    • Coastal municipalities: YELLOW until 1:00 p.m.
  • Zone C (this regional): YELLOW until 3:00 p.m.
  • Zone D (western Po river basins): ORANGE until 3:00 p.m. and then YELLOW until midnight.
  • Zone E (East Po river basins): ORANGE until 3:00 p.m. and then YELLOW until midnight.

The accumulations reached by the snow increase with the passing of the hours; The most significant values ​​are shown below, with the total area measured at 12 noon and the increase in the last 24 hours:

  • Triora 40 cm (+11)
  • Mount Settepani 124 cm (+48)
  • Ferrania 21 cm (+9)
  • Dego 50 cm (+38)
  • Urbe Vara 52 cm (+38)
  • Campoligure 20 cm (+12)
  • Valbrevenna 28 cm (+14)
  • Amborzasco 43 cm (+32)
  • Cuccarello 10 cm (+2)

Rainfall will continue in the next few hours, particularly in the western region. Starting at noon we await a call for “hot” air from the southwest that will slow down the snowfall, before a real respite awaiting the start of tomorrow. However, from Sunday afternoon we will see the entry of new cold air, the effects of which will also be evaluated tomorrow. For today, hurricane-force winds persist in the center-east (this morning gusts of 90 km / h to Framura), and the sea will continue to rise until locally very rough, especially along the coasts of La Spezia.

Here are the reported weather phenomena of the WEATHER WARNING issued this morning:

TODAY SATURDAY JANUARY 2: Disturbed by widespread precipitation also in the form of downpours or thunderstorms, with snow at all altitudes in DE, more than 300/400 m in the western interior B, more than 1000 m in the interior AC; phenomena that attenuate in the afternoon with a gradual increase in the snow level. Gusty winds between strong and stormy north winds in ABD, strong northeast winds in E, between strong winds and easterly storms in the afternoon, southwesterly storms at night in C. The sea rises from very rough to locally rough due to to the southwest wave at night in C.

TOMORROW SUNDAY, JANUARY 3: Unstable with possible showers or thunderstorms of moderate intensity at most. In the first hours of the night light snowfalls over 800/1000 m in E and interior C, residual dust in D; subsequently, isolated snowfalls with possible dust formation in DE are not excluded, especially at night. Southwest winds initially between strong and stormy at moderate attenuation since morning CE; in the afternoon, winds from the north, northwest to strong winds in B. In the early hours, locally rough seas due to waves from the southwest at C, decreasing to very rough in the morning.

AFTER THEY TAKE MONDAY, JANUARY 4: The disturbed phase continues with conditions of marked instability also associated with showers or thunderstorms of intensity at the most moderate level and possible light snowfall down to low altitudes in D and E, most likely at dusk. Strong north winds at AB.

This is the division into zones of the regional territory:

A: Along the coast from Ventimiglia to Noli, the entire province of Imperia, the Centa valley

B: along the coast from Spotorno to Camogli, including Val Polcevera and Alta Val Bisagno

C: Along the coast from Portofino to the border with Tuscany, the entire province of La Spezia, Val Fontanabuona and Valle Sturla

D: Valle Stura and the interior of Savona to Val Bormida

E: Valle Scrivia, Val d’Aveto and Val Trebbia

The Regional Operations Room will remain open for the entire duration of the alert.

In case of intense events, the follow-up will be published during the alert on the site https://allertaliguria.regione.liguria.it, also sent via Twitter (follow @ARPALiguria).
