Another Dpcm is in “cooking” to introduce a new squeeze, especially to make impossible the shopping meetings that have been seen in all the big cities, trying to remove the spectrum of the third wave in January
by Andrea Gagliardi
Another Dpcm is in “cooking” to introduce a new squeeze, especially to make impossible the shopping meetings that have been seen in all the big cities, trying to remove the spectrum of the third wave in January
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What Christmas holidays await us? We will have to wait another day or two to find out. Another Dpcm is “cooking” to introduce a new squeeze, especially to make impossible the shopping meetings that have been seen in all the big cities, trying to remove the spectrum of the third wave in January. The decision will come Tuesday night or Wednesday, with an ongoing conversation with the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS), which has leaked the need for stricter measures.
Red zone hypothesis on holidays and days before holidays
There are two main hypotheses in the field. The first is that of a national red zone on holidays and days before holidays (with shops and restaurants closed), from the eve of Santo Stefano, from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Eve and close to Epiphany, only with the essential services open. A confinement practically like last March when you could leave home only for emergencies and necessities and with self-certification in your pocket.
Hypothesis from the orange zone to Befana with an anticipated curfew
The second hypothesis is that – most likely – a kind of large orange area, with open stores and closed restaurants. And with an early curfew at 6 p.m. or more likely at 8 p.m. “We are thinking about the two weeks of the Christmas holidays – says the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza -, I hope that more measures can be taken in a short time to avoid a hypothetical third wave.” The total blockade was the axis of the clash-shock, within the summit and between the government and the scientists. The “Merkel model” is that of an ascending curve, while in Italy the epidemic curve descends. But as Minister Francesco Boccia explained to his colleagues “if we did the confinement, the objective would be similar, to put the sanitary networks in conditions to withstand if the third wave arrives.”
Exemption limited to travel between small municipalities
The national red zone on holidays and the eve of holidays, however, does not see everyone in government and most agree. And then there is the issue of soft drinks: the closure of stores, bars and restaurants would lead managers to ask for more financial support. But the need for hardening, explained by the CTS, is linked to the impossibility, on the one hand, of a capillary control of the territory and, on the other, to the still “worrying” data of the epidemic. “We need to extend the measures, otherwise we will have problems in January,” experts say. Thus there will be a squeeze (although the entity is yet to be defined) with the sole exception perhaps of movements between small towns on the hottest days of the holidays within a certain number of kilometers. The Democratic Party, despite the new hard line that it would like to marry the Government, has presented its motion (there will be no unified majority) that allows them for those who live in municipalities with up to 10,000 inhabitants.
Comparison with the Regions
The regions, which were pushing to loosen ties, now face the prospect of tightening. The most explicit is the president of Liguria Giovanni Toti, who says ‘no’ to homogeneous measures throughout the country, claiming data from the yellow zone of his territory. Today there will be a meeting of the heads of delegation and on Wednesday there could be a confrontation with the Regions before the new Dpcm: for the moment the most likely scenario, as we said, is not to reach the red zone and extend the orange band. thus leaving the shops open but with bars and restaurants closed and with mobility restrictions within the Region.