
Now that the moment of truth is approaching, now that Giuseppe Conte and Matteo Renzi are one step away from the show and the crisis is open, only one thing is certain: despite the premier’s attempt to enlist a patrol of “Responsible” with those who make the votes of the Renzians irrelevant, this path does not seem feasible. 5Stelle does not like, that he does not want to hear about “unnatural unions” with the exiles of Berlusconi, he hives the Democratic Party that he considers “ungovernable” a “united majority”. And he is not welcome to the Quirinal: to carry out the Recovery Plan, which will have to guarantee the “rebirth” of the country, Sergio Mattarella wants a government capable of deciding and not held hostage to strange and unreliable deserters.
Matteo Renzi challenges the Prime Minister: «Verification closed? Bad, let’s see if you have the numbers in the classroom “
This does not mean that Conte, now forced to stop challenging Renzi in Parliament, is destined to disappear. Rather. The scheme of the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti, but also of Dario Franceschini, continues to be the same as always: “If this government falls, we go to the elections.” Explanation of a dem minister: «Renzi continues to offer us the Palazzo Chigi, but it is an unattainable hypothesis. We do not want to become their hostages and the 5Stelle do not intend to give up Conte, who is the cornerstone on which to base their future in the elections. Furthermore, precisely by virtue of Conte’s appeal to public opinion, the grillini are less afraid of early voting at this point. The same thing happens to us: if it goes badly we would get 25%, we would also go to the elections between March and April when we have saved the country from the pandemic and, allies of the 5Stelle that Conte directs, it is not entirely certain that we will lose against Salvini and Meloni: the votes of this right, which cannot break through in the center, overlap ». Having discarded the hypothesis of the “responsible” (among other things, all the interested parties ran to deny) and put on the table the electoral option that Mattarella also considers probable if the picture is skipped, it must be said that none of the Giallorossi ( Renzi first) focuses on early voting. The most concrete hypothesis is that Conte and Renzi, now sworn enemies, are destined to live together. As? There are three options.
Conte-Renzi, it’s a duel: the prime minister looks for numbers in the Senate and the Democratic Party does not rule out a new government
The three options
The first, the one that Conte likes the most, is the “reorganization” because it avoids the risk of resigning. With these stages: tomorrow the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri will deposit the new draft of the Recovery Plan, revised and corrected with part of Renzian’s wishes. And always tomorrow, if not Tuesday, the summit of the heads of delegation will be held. Then, again on Tuesday or perhaps Thursday, the Council of Ministers will be convened to launch the plan with which to spend the 209 billion for Brussels. If Italia Viva does not go bankrupt, Conte will proceed with “some replacement” in the government team: a new exponent of Italia Viva could enter (the name of Ettore Rosato is mentioned). “But for Renzi it would be very little: first he wants to open the crisis and then discuss …”, says another Democratic minister. Thus we come to the second option, the most probable: the birth of Conte-ter. It is backed by the Pd, it is acceptable for the 5Stelle and would represent a success for the leader of Italia Viva. “Mateo asks for discontinuity and he would have obtained it,” says one of his faithful. And he adds: “However, the knots of the delegation to the Services and the Month will also have to be dissolved, at least in part.”
For this reason, an indispensable premise of the Conte-ter, is a “public and strong political agreement”. Only later, to avoid an ambush by the leader of Italia Viva, would the prime minister resign. That he would then have re-election (without consultations) with the new team of ministers in his pocket (just two alternate premieres: Conte is against, the commissioner fears). And, very closely, the new confidence of Parliament. In short, the classic sudden crisis of the First Republic. “This solution”, says a senior member of the Democratic Party, “would allow the Grillini to keep Conte in the Palazzo Chigi, the Democratic Party to preserve the alliance with the 5 Stelle and Renzi to say that it has obtained a substantial change, as well as probably a couple of additional posts in the government. For Matteo there could be foreigners … “. The third option is” buoyancy “. The” latent crisis “. To describe him is a minister of rank:” Renzi’s ability to maneuver is Despite their proclamations, nothing proverbial leads to exclude that in the next few days the Renzian ministers Bellanova and Bonetti will not vote on the Recovery Plan, without resigning however. In this case, the crisis would not open and could last until June At that time, near the white semester, for Renzi to overthrow the government would not be risky: elections would be impossible.
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Last update: January 3, 00:30