‘Are the populists over? The left will still have to deal with us for a long time »- Corriere.it


Giorgia Meloni He leads the group of European conservatives who have a historical link with the American Republicans. The president of FdI then established personal relationships with the Trump administration that led her, the only exponent of the Italian center-right, to give a speech in 2019 at the Conservative Political Action Conference, annual event of the Republicans.

By virtue of this harmony, Biden’s victory must be indigestible. Or is it among those who still believe there has been fraud?
“I believe that Trump, if he has the evidence, has the right to follow all the avenues that the law and the Constitution allow him. It will be up to the competent bodies, and not some anti-Trump television network, to confirm or not Biden’s victory. ”

Trump’s America now seems almost gone, visible only in the armed militias.
“After the vote there have been dozens of arrests and all among anti-Trump protesters, extremists from the Antifa movements and Black Lives Matter. As in the last months of violence. Those who voted for Trump, in even greater numbers than in 2016, showed that there is a large part of the American population that does not recognize themselves in the thought wanted by him. conventional. People who share the model of less taxes, defense of national production, more security and the claim of national pride in the face of those who want to demolish their symbols, such as the statues of our Christopher Columbus. With these principles and with these voters, the whole world will have to deal with them for a long time.

Four years ago, Trump’s victory opened a “populist” cycle that could now end in Europe as well.
In fact, I heard populist and sovereign danger scream long before Trump’s election. And even before that our demise is predicted. But leftist analysts often mistake reality for their own wanted. The globalist ideology, that of open borders, of finance that triumphs over the real economy, of political correctness is far from the people and that imposes on us the duty to better represent an antithetical worldview ».

It seems the most Trumpian in the center right.
«I do not like labels, the only correct definition for me and for the Brothers of Italy is that of Italian patriots. I share ideas and values ​​with Trump and over the years I have worked to strengthen ties. But I don’t do the animator from no one. I was hoping he would win because I think it is in the best Italian national interest. This is the only lens I use when looking outside. While our left always looks for some import myth.

Will the impact of the American vote be felt among conservatives in the EU? Will it become more pro-European?
“We will continue to criticize this EU that is far from the real needs of the citizens. Today we remember the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yesterday like today, our Europe is the one that defends freedom and the identity of peoples. Rather, I was surprised to see my EPP president counterpart, former Polish Prime Minister Tusk, loudly applauding Biden. Even in Brussels, on many issues, popular people are often drawn to the left. I hope that those of them, and there are many, who do not share this trend, make themselves heard.

What are you afraid of Biden?
“Two files concern me: China and the Middle East. On the first, because Biden has a history of closeness to China, while I think Trump has done well to raise the issues of a fair global market and the security of our data and infrastructure. And in the second, because Biden was Obama’s deputy at the time of his uncritical support for the Arab Spring, which gave us Islamic fundamentalism and uncontrolled immigration.

On the Italian left there is euphoria over the American vote.
‘The euphoria on the left is often poignant, very childish. I felt some embarrassment reading the tweet from EU Commissioner Gentiloni, who said he was so happy about Biden’s victory that he hugged himself. The message they are trying to convey is that a dangerous monster has been defeated and not a political opponent legitimized by popular consensus. It is a distortion of the normal democratic dynamics that the left is implementing in the United States as in Europe: any means is legitimate to defeat the dangerous right. Perhaps even the censorship of the media or the use of violence. I would like to have in front of a left capable of facing the proposals, instead of the current one whose only strategy is to demonize the opponent, and with him the citizens who share those same ideas.

November 8, 2020 (change November 8, 2020 | 22:50)

