While in Italy the latest coronavirus bulletin records 753 deaths in the last 24 hours, the world of our local politics is in great fibrillation. Everything derives from the amendment inserted in the decree called Covid save-MediasetThat would be dividing the center-right coalition.
This amendment is considered by many to be a real gift to Biscione, given that it would stop there for 6 months. The rise of Vivendi to Mediaset despite the ruling of the EU Court which, instead, proved the French reason.
At the same time Go Italy has been opened to a collaboration with the majority in relation to the drafting of the next budget law, a welcome wish on the part of Nicola Zingaretti me Matteo renzi with the silence of 5 star movement.
A situation that yelled all’inciucio Matteo salvini, with Lega and Fratelli d’Italia who have a lot of constitutional prejudice nay the save-Mediaset amendment in committee.
A move that as reported by The Republic would not have been very well received by Berlusconi, with the Forza Italia leader entrusting himself to his so Salvini decided to declare war on us. ”.

The war between Berlusconi and Salvini
“A piece of Forza Italia wants the mess – The Attacked Matteo salvini – The appeal of Mattarella is collaboration, do not mess, reorganize, what Renzi, M5S and a part of Berlusconi’s party want”.
The former minister spared no effort also on the amendment inserted by the government in the Covid decree: “I read about companies, there is some ambiguity, Mediaset needs no help and I don’t want to think about exchanges”.
Words you certainly shouldn’t have liked Silvio Berlusconi, already described as very irritated by the vote against the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia in commission, arrived with a lot of co-signature of the leader of Carroccio Riccardo Molinari to the constitutionality ruling.
the center right, having regrouped after the experience of the yellow-green government ended, it would now appear to be on the verge of a crisis again: the collaboration between Forza Italia and the government could, in fact, break a coalition that, if united, according to polls it would be the majority in the country.

Is a new Center born with Calenda and Renzi?
Silvio Berlusconi could be tempted to Get closer to the majority not only to safeguard Mediaset, but also to lay the foundations for a possible new political future for Forza Italia by freeing itself from Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni.
A part of the blue would look uncomfortable with the center-right populist drift, with forces now reduced to being the third round of a coalition now led by the Salvini-Meloni duo and much further to the right than in the past.
Therefore, the winks of Matteo renzi to the blue galaxy, with the former prime minister who opened himself up to an expansion of the majority perimeter with Silvio Berlusconi who would thus have the opportunity to demonstrate that “Forza Italia is an ally of Merkel and not Le Pen”.
Meanwhile in Parliament Emma bonino me Carlo Calenda They have announced that they will join forces in the House and Senate, with the birth of the + Europe / Action component at Palazzo Madama and the + Europe / Action / Radicali Italiani component in Montecitorio.
A component that remains in opposition but that would leave the door open to others moderate political forces. At the moment, however, Italia Viva is part of the majority of the government, while Forza Italia is always in the center-right.
In the future, however, everything could be free, with the birth of some kind of centrist third pole that starting from the duo + Europe / Action, it would expand to Italia Viva and the more moderate part of Forza Italia.
This great reformer looking at the latest polls would be far beyond the double digits, so it is essential that both the right wing and the Giallorossi form a government when voting.
Will this be Berlusconi’s destiny, teaming up with Calenda and Renzi? It is still too early to make proclamations, but all the signs at the moment seem to be leading in this direction, even if in politics, especially recently, nothing can ever be taken for granted.