Apulia will return to yellow, it was orange by miscalculation: the intervention of the Ministry is expected


PUGLIA – A new CTS provision is expected in the next few hours to return the region to the yellow zone (according to authorized sources): the orange zone was imposed due to an error in the counting of the data related to the resuscitation of the covid. Now the ball goes to the Ministry of Health, which could return Puglia to the yellow zone in no time. Some may think about what happened in Lombardy, but the problem here is that The new places in the Covid ICUs that actually existed were not counted. In fact, everything is quiet in intensive care, because only 28% of the available beds are occupied, the positivity index is stable, the interns fluctuate in a few dozen patients, but we remain in the orange zone, losing millions of euros. in economic terms (between commerce and bars). However, the overly strict parameters are expected to be exceeded as Puglia has been forced to undeserved closures. Intensive care has been strengthened (the fourth floor of the DEA has been opened): therefore, it has been discovered that we have not exceeded the 30% income threshold for covid resuscitation. As long as the airport bars remain open and on the plane someone eats with their unknown traveling companion, as also happens in the restaurants on the highway, it is desirable that the bars, restaurants, theaters, gyms and cinemas reopen safely , speeding up vaccines, sooner is too late for our economy and also for our psyche.


The change is also due to the new calculation, requested by the Puglia Region, of the beds really active at the moment: there was also a failure in the count of the activated mobile apartments, for example, in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani . Meanwhile, harsh criticism is launched from the opposition seats to communicate from the statement of Ignazio Zullo, leader of the group of the Brothers of Italy: “What else must happen for the Ministry of Health to send at least some inspectors, if not an ad hoc commissioner ?, to understand what is happening in the management of Covid in Puglia?

“Puglia today is in the Orange area, with the satisfaction of Michele Emiliano – because one of the indicators (that of intensive care beds) taken into consideration by the CTS (Technical Scientific Committee) indicated an occupancy of more than 30%. From the Health Department, perhaps (making Emiliano unhappy) a letter would have been sent to request the recalculation because having activated the intensive care beds in the Bat the percentage would have been reduced to 28 and therefore Puglia could be in the area yellow.

“But are we really going to give the numbers here? That is, our restaurateurs, bars, hoteliers remain closed because it is not true. Here we play with the skin of merchants and artisans, who are already exhausted, and with the freedoms of people because the count of intensive care beds is wrong and Emiliano says he is ‘happy’?

“It is evident that we are facing the most total inadequacy of those who are handling an emergency as if colors were a game to please someone, now someone else. It is shameful! They resign and ask to be sent a commissioner, it is not their thing to be able to manage this emergency! “

Puglia will return to yellow, it was orange due to a calculation error: the intervention of the Ministry is expected - Corriere Salentino
