Appointment of the contact person for the COVID-19 emergency for the 2020/2021 academic year. Download decree template


The operational indications for the management of cases and outbreaks of Sars-Cov-2 in schools and in children’s educational services planned by the working group of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, by the Ministry of Health, by the Ministry of Education, by Inail, from the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Emilia Romagna Region and the Veneto Region want to give operational support to school principals and, in general, to school sector operators and Prevention Departments that, from the new school year 2020-2021, you will be involved in the monitoring and response to suspected / probable / confirmed cases of COVID-19 and, of course, in the implementation of prevention strategies and, reasonably, intervention.

The management of any case

The indications, in fact, provide practical details for the management of cases and outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 that may occur in schools and children’s educational services through the use of hypothetical scenarios, in the absence, obviously, at this very moment, of robust forecasting models.

In our schools, comments an operational guide prepared by the CISL School, for the purposes of early identification of suspected cases it will be necessary to provide, according to operational indications:

  • a system for monitoring the health status of students and school personnel;
  • the involvement of families in having the child’s / student’s body temperature checked at home every day before going to kindergarten or school;
  • the measurement of body temperature as needed (for example, illness in a student’s school or a school operator), by identified school personnel, through the use of non-contact thermometers that must be met with anticipation;
  • the collaboration of parents in contacting their own doctor (Pediatrician of Free Choice – PLS – or Family Doctor – GP -) for operations related to the clinical evaluation and the possible prescription of the nasopharyngeal swab.

Absences and their management

In addition, it is vitally important for teaching management to establish a flexible management system for the number of absences per class / section that allows the identification of abnormal situations due to excess absences, for example, through electronic records or special records. in which to summarize the data every day.


I am the Ministerial Decree of August 6, 2020, n. 87 that contains the “Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the start of the school year in compliance with the safety regulations to limit the spread of COVID-19” and in particular the document that contains the “Operational Guidelines for the management of cases and outbreaks of the SARS CoV 2 in schools and early childhood education services ”, ISS COVID-19 Report No. 58/2020 that, recognizing the primary need to ensure prevention and mitigation measures for the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection , foresees the appointment, in each school, of the COVID-19 Contact Institute for the 2020/2021 school year, however, it is necessary that these COVID-19 school representatives are trained on the different procedures to follow in the different possible cases. And here a whole series of perplexities arise regarding a figure that does not exist contractually and whose methods of assignment, tasks, responsibilities, training have not been identified.

Appointment of the school contact for COVID-19

The first great ambiguity – specifies the CISL Scuola – lies in the fact that the operational indications, on the one hand, recommend to schools and educational services that children “identify duly trained school representatives …” (see paragraph 1 of the operational guidelines) and ‘others, however (paragraph 1.3), provide that “in each school a school contact person for COVID-19 must be identified.” Hence all the perplexities of a contractual nature for a figure not foreseen until now and which, at least in a certain way, is recognized as mandatory by the document. It is also unclear if the figure must necessarily be identified within the school setting or if it is a mere opportunity. Regarding the procedure for the appointment of the director, CISL Scuola believes that it is essential to identify the personnel who have provided their willingness to fulfill the task.

Resignation as contact person

As with any other assignment conferred by the Supreme Decree or elective by the Faculty, also in this case, with justified reasons, it is possible to advance legitimate resignations, even irrevocable, without there being a reason for rejection by the Supreme Decree. In this regard, the operational indications do not exclude that the role of school referent of COVID-19 can be performed by the same school director. The Indications foresee the appointment of a substitute for the referent (preferably from the plexus) to avoid suspensions in the event of the absence of the referent or the latter’s inability to pass from one plexus to another.

Duties of the school contact person for COVID-19

The tasks of the school contact person for COVID-19 consist of all those actions aimed at creating a flexible management system for the prevention of the epidemic within the school, for the management of cases that may have occurred within the campus. school, for information, traceability and interconnection with those responsible for the Prevention Department.

Management and prevention activity “Cases of Covid-19”

In accordance with operational guidelines, the COVID-19 school principal must:

Preventive activity

  • Know the professional figures of the Prevention Department who, in functional connection with the doctors who treat children and students (PLS and GP), support the school and the treating doctors for the activities of the protocol and who interact for direct contact also with the director and the doctor in charge of the patient;
  • play an interface role with the Department of Prevention and create a network with other similar figures in local schools;
  • notify the Prevention Department if there are a large number of sudden absences of students from a class or recorded absences between teachers.
    provide the Prevention Department with any list of school operators and / or absent students;
  • Indicate the Department of Prevention to students / school operators with frailty to facilitate their protection through active surveillance to be agreed between the Department itself, the same school contact for COVID-19 and the Pediatrician of Free Choice (PLS) and Doctors General. (GP).

COVID-19 case management

  • receive from school operators the report of a symptomatic case of COVID-19;
  • immediately call the parents or legal guardians of students in case of suspicion of COVID-19 within the school (increase in body temperature or symptom compatible with the virus);
  • acquire immediate communication from families or school workers in the event that a student or staff member has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19;
  • Provide the Prevention Department with a list of colleagues and teachers of the confirmed case who have been in contact in the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms. For asymptomatic cases, the 48 hours prior to taking the sample that led to the diagnosis and the 14 days after the diagnosis are considered. Close contacts identified by the Department of Prevention with routine contact tracing activities will be quarantined for 14 days from the date of the last contact with the confirmed case. The Prevention Department will decide the most appropriate strategy for any screening of school personnel and students.


Regarding the payment of the new figure, it is possible to hypothesize, underlines the Cisl Scuola formulary, a recourse to the resources of the FIS (according to article 88 of the CCNL 2006/2009) and in the contracting phase of the Institute.

The model of the decree of appointment

The director Vincenzo Caico, again volcanic manager, at the head of an important institute in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (an institute that is donated to the territory with qualified secondary schools: Liceo Scientifico, La Escuela Superior de Ciencias Applied Liceo Sportivo and Liceo Linguistico) of Monfalcone (GO) has developed a precise model of the “Appointment Decree” of the COVID-19 Reference, which we propose here and adapt to the needs of those who, involved in the frenzy of a thousand tasks at the beginning school year, they want to use an agile and valuable technical and regulatory tool.

Beginning of the school year: documents to download, guidelines, security, integrated teaching. All useful information. [AGGIORNATO]
