Apple will release iOS 14 and iPad OS 14 on September 16! This is what changes and how to update


iOS 14 and iPad OS 14 are Apple’s new operating systems for iPhones and iPads. The Cupertinoli-based company released the developers’ betaper version right after they officially unveiled them during the Keynote opening of theWWDC 2020that is, Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference. Perhaps it represents one of the most important updates in recent times since there are many new features that it introduces especially withChanges to the home screen layout with widgetsThey are going to change the way you interact with the device screens after 13 years.It is not the only, of course, newsbecause important new features, updates for existing applications, Siri enhancements and many other changes that simplify the iOS interface are also implemented.

iOS 14 and iPad OS 14: Coming September 16

Here’s the new iOS 14 and iPad OS 14 will be available to everyone from September 16. An official launch that will allow those who own a compatible device to use it immediately and completely free of charge. We have seen the operating system of Apple smartphones mature and change over the years and we have seen how in recent years the system has changed in a less important way in terms of graphics but with news in terms of security and especially of stability with an iOS 13. that has changed the cards compared to the past with an operating system among the most mature of all the years of Apple.

In this case there are so many new features and they refer to the widgets, but also Application library not to mention Siri, the Picture in Picture but also from the application Translate, the new Maps, The messages, l’app Clip and much more like Car key. Home kit and application Greeting with many innovations. In this article we had tried them all and we found each news with its own explanation.

iOS 14: which iPhones will be supported?

iOS 14, therefore, when it launches next Friday, it may not install on all iPhonesbut on some devices that will still be able to support it at the hardware level. In this case, all iPhones that are currently updated to iOS 13 will be able to update to the new operating system.Specifically, here are the iPhones compatible with iOS 14:

  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • ‌IPhone‌ X
  • ‌IPhone‌ 8 and ‌iPhone‌ 8 Plus
  • ‌IPhone‌ 7 e 7 Plus
  • ‌IPhone SE‌ (1st and 2nd generation)
  • ‌IPhone‌ 6s e 6s Plus
  • iPod Touch (7th generation)

In this case, to update the usual iPhone, as with all Apple operating systems, you will receive a notification directly via OTAon your smartphone. We recommend, if you haven’t already done so, make a full backup of your data directlywith iTunes or even with iCloud. This will allow you to recover all your information and data in the event of a problem and thus facilitate recovery in case something goes wrong.

To install the new iOS 14 There will be two ways to take: via OTA or via iPhone or via iTunes connecting the devices. In the first case, the simplest and most immediate, you just have to go to your iPhone to update:

Settings —> General —> Software update

At this point, the system will check if the update is available, which is clearly yes, and the user can activate the update. The smartphone will download the full update and automatically reboot the device by updating it to the latest version of iOS.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to update from iTunes, just connect the iPhone by cable and once recognized, just go to Summary and then Check for updates. At this point iTunes will ask you if you want to update to iOS 14 and by giving your consent it will be possible to update the devices that will restart once everything is finished.
