Apple has scheduled a special event for Tuesday, September 15 to showcase some new products. The presentation will take place in Apple Park, the large campus that the company has built in recent years in Cupertino, California (United States), but without the presence of the public, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event can be followed in streaming from 19 Italians.
It is not known which products Apple will present during the event, but newspapers dealing with technology exclude the four new iPhone models that have been talked about for a long time: they may be presented in October. A new Apple Watch is expected to be unveiled on September 15 because the event was announced with the slogan “Time Flies.”
Apple event on September 15! I would very much expect it to be a new Apple Watch (“Time Flies”) and possibly a new iPad. From what I was told and everything Apple has said about earnings calls, the new iPhone will arrive a few weeks later. pic.twitter.com/EuKfN8BqHA
– nilay patel (ckreckless) September 8, 2020