“I ask everyone: state leaders, companies, international organizations to promote cooperation and not competition, and to find a solution for everyone: vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable me needy from all regions of the planet. First, the most vulnerable and needy!“It is the attraction that French Pope went before him Urbi et Orbi blessing of Christmas. “Today – said Bergoglio – in this time of darkness me uncertainties For him pandemic, Appear different lights of hope, As the vaccine discoveries. But for these lights to shine and bring hope to the whole world, they have to stay available to all. We can’t let him closed nationalisms they prevent us from living as the true human family that we are. We can’t even let that the virus of radical individualism May we win and become indifferent to the suffering of other brothers and sisters. I cannot put myself before others, putting the laws of the market and invention patents before the laws of love and the health of humanity ”.

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Pope Francis makes his first outing as pontiff at 2

For him Father, in fact, “in front of a challenge that knows no borders, they cannot be erected barriers. We’re all in the same boat. Each one is a brother of mine. In each one I see reflected the face of god And how many suffer I see the Sir he asks my help. I see it in the sick, the poor, the unemployed, the marginalized, migrants and refugees ”. For him limitations decided of government Italian to curb the pandemic, the Pope did not read his traditional Christmas message looking from the central lodge of the Vatican basilica, but he did it inside the sacred building, in the blessing room. As it had in Easter day when he stayed inside a desert Vatican basilica.
Always to comply with the rules, until January 6 the pope will not look in St. Peter’s Square for the recitation ofAngelus that will be transmitted by the Private library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace.
Also in this “Pandemic christmas“As defined in his speech to the Roman Curia on the eve of the festivities, Francis’ invitation is to fraternity As a result of what he wrote in his third and recent encyclical, All brothers. For Bergoglio “we can all call each other and be really brothers: of each continent, any tongue me culture, with ours identity me diversity, but still all brothers and sisters“And he added:” In this historical moment, marked by the ecological crisis and by serious economic and social imbalances, aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need fraternity more than ever. And God offers it to us by giving us his Son Jesus: neither one fraternity made of beautiful words, of abstract ideals, of vague feelings … No. A fraternity based ontrue love, able to know the other different from me, of suffer their sufferings, approach and take care of him even if he is not my family, my ethnic group, my religion; he is different from me but he is my brother, he is my sister. And this is also true in relations between peoples and nations ”. Hence the Pope’s call “to be available, generous and supportive, especially with the most fragile people, the sick and those who have lost their jobs or are in serious difficulties due to the economic consequences of the pandemic,” women who have suffered domestic violence in these months of confinement ”.
Francisco also stressed that “resigning oneself to violence and injustice would mean rejecting the joy and hope of Christmas. In this celebration, I address a special thought to those who do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by adverse circumstances, but who strive to bring hope, comfort and help, helping those who suffer and accompanying those who are alone ”. With a special thought “to families: to those who cannot be reunited today, as well as to those who are forced to stay at home. May Christmas be an opportunity for everyone to rediscover the family as the cradle of life and faith; a place of welcoming love, dialogue, forgiveness, fraternal solidarity and shared joy, a source of peace for all humanity ”.
Next, the Pope reviewed the different conflict scenarios present in the world, starting with the Holy Land: “May Israelis and Palestinians regain mutual trust to seek a just and lasting peace through direct dialogue, capable of overcoming violence and overcoming resentments. endemic, to give testimony to the world of the beauty of brotherhood. ”Francis’s gaze then turned“ to the too many children who around the world, especially in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, still pay the high price of war. Their faces shake the consciences of men of good will, so that the causes of conflicts are addressed and we work with courage to build a future of peace. ”From Francisco the hope that“ this is the right moment to dissolve tensions in The Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. “Finally, with a reflection” for the American continent, particularly affected by the coronavirus, which has aggravated the multiple suf emotions that oppress him, often aggravated by the consequences of corruption and drug trafficking. “