by Chiara Fabrizi
“Apart from the fears, it will actually be a liberation.” In this spirit, in a few hours, precisely on Sunday morning around 11.30, the head of emergencies at the Covid hospital in Spoleto, Gianluca Proietti Silvestri, will sit in one of the armchairs of the hospital’s transfusion center for the administration of one of the first 85 doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine to be inoculated in Umbria, between Spoleto and RSA Santa Margherita in Perugia, on Sunday, December 27.
“Aside from the fears, it will actually be a liberation” A Umbria24 The primary school explains that “I don’t do it so much to protect myself, because I, like other doctors, can get sick, but the main problem is that we are vectors of contagion, so I submit to the first administration to give a signal to the entire community , very aware of course – he explains – that in order to achieve herd immunity a large part of the population must be vaccinated. ”The head of the emergency room at the Covid hospital is not particularly afraid of being among the first 10,000 in Italy and among the first 85 in Umbria to receive the dose: “It is true – he says – that the vaccine was produced in a very short time, but it followed the procedure foreseen for each drug, proving especially effective and there is no reason or indication to look at it with suspicion”. And in this sense, Proietti Silvestri will lift the sleeve of his shirt and stretch out his arm “with the same calm with which I have always submitted to vaccines or anti-tetanus reinforcements. Tomorrow (December 27, ed) – he says – is a symbolic day not so much for me or for the other 84 who will receive the vaccine, but for everyone, because it is with the adherence of a large segment of the population that we achieve immunization. and at that moment it will truly be a liberation.
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