Apart from Matteo Salvini, Conte has full powers and nobody says anything – Time


Riccardo mazzoni

The wave of outrage in social networks for the constitutional limits violated bylast Dpcm Can Di Conte be read as a leap in consciousness about the risks that the country runs due to the previous liberticides created by the emergency decree on Covid? Let’s not get our hopes up: Italians are used to everything by now: haven’t they handed over the relative majority of Parliament to the Five Stars? And in the September regional, after the errors and delays in layoffs and subsidies to companies, was there a wait in the government? In part, yes, but too weak for the trumpeters of the regime not to turn it into a sign of stability for the majority. And didn’t they award the governor who threatened them with flamethrowers with a plebiscite?

So it is not surprising if Palazzo Chigi proceeds undaunted with his Dpcm, with the opposition now protesting only in form, and if the young communist minister Speranza turns to his friend Fazio su Raitre to suggest to the Italians that they do the spy a suspicious dinner at a neighbor’s house. This recommendation did not find space in the Dpcm, which was launched strictly in the favor of the dark, with the premier limiting himself to “advising” to wear masks even at home in case of receptions, which cannot exceed six people. Strange measures, but which in any case enter directly into the homes of citizens, creating a very dangerous precedent, because it means that in the future any government may limit fundamental freedoms by decree.

“We will only affect non-essential pieces of life,” said Speranza, with a reassuring tone inversely proportional to the seriousness of what he said, and that is why those who see in this new repression who see the signs of a regime, that unmistakable smell. paranoia, control, repression and denunciations of a dictatorship already acquired and accepted as a whole. There are also those who go further, evoking the Avra, the KGB and the Stasi and remembering that only in times of Nazism, when the Germans were raking house to house, was the violation of the domicile by administrative act, wondering what happened to the vestals of the most beautiful Constitution in the world. control S.

In short, from the catastrophic to the surreal. Someone asked: but Sri Lankans, Africans, Chinese and Filipinos who live in crowded apartments and revel in garlic, onion and ethnic music, who is spying on them? Finally to those who threw it into the comic: “But the new Dpcm will save us from the classic Christmas dinner with relatives, so what are you complaining about?” We laugh so as not to cry, but we have to worry, because Covid, between the closure of the first months and the autumn-winter semilockdown of the second wave, is only the last link in an illiberal drift that has been silent for a long time. almost general and in the deafening of the Quirinale.

Let us remember, for example, Minister Bonafede when he said that the problem of currents in the Judiciary is solved with anonymous reports, along the lines of the blog of the Stars, in which “Reports” had been online for some time, a new tool available to members, who could report someone who does not respect the principles of M5S? For the Keeper of the Seals, information was to become, for all intents and purposes, an integral part of a state order, with the currents transformed into so many espionage centers. At the end of the day, it was the Five Stars, with the convinced support of the Democratic Party, who approved the complaint of irregularities, which has codified by law the complaint in public administrations and private companies. With the aggravating factor that those who report are rewarded, while there is no guarantee for the accused.

And perhaps there was a popular and intellectual uprising when this government introduced Trojans, interception tools so invasive that they spy on even the most intimate details of our lives, but can be used without rules and without limits of place, time and amount of data, with the aggravating drag offenses? This is Italy at the time of the red-yellow regime. If you think about the atomic alarm launched by the left for the full powers of Salvini, it’s funny. But we just have to cry.
