
Riccardo mazzoni
Covid has so far been Conte’s elixir of life, but it is about to become his political grave. He is resisting like a wounded lion to the increasingly pressing tensions that come to him from the governors and at least half of their majority, who call for a change of pace before the situation finally worsens. But the situation has, in reality, already spun out of control, along with the out-of-control epidemic, and the prime minister now finds himself faced with options as urgent as they are lost.
If you decide to take more time, infections will continue to grow exponentially, but emergency rooms were already collapsing yesterday; If the curfew already in force in some regions extends to the entire country, perhaps after 8 p.m., it would inflict another very hard blow to commerce, tourism and restaurants, with the closure – Confesercenti estimates – of another twenty thousand productive activities, bringing from 90 110 thousand terminations planned for this year; If, finally, driven by the dramatic events, he is forced to launch a new national closure, which would certify the bankruptcy of his government, one minute after signing the new Dpcm he would have the political and moral duty to take Colle’s path to resign. . resignation.
As we can see, whatever decision he makes, Conte will fall directly into a dead end, because either Covid will be allowed to take the health disaster to the extreme, or the end of the national community will be decreed since a reality will be decreed economic of the first order, increasing in millions of absolute poor, desperate nemesis by those who had announced the abolition of poverty. Ultimately, those who caused this perfect storm no longer have the credibility, but above all the dignity, to continue to command the country. The paternalistic narrative inspired by Casalino no longer works, like press conferences and councils of ministers held under the auspices of darkness: there always comes a time when reality takes hold of the suggestions and hammering campaigns of enslaved television and also from a great press. often upside down and flanking. The people of the unprotected have resisted, albeit with unspeakable difficulties and suffering, the first shock wave of the pandemic, the subsidies that never arrived, and the late and hiccuping integration funds, but the bill and the germ of the rebellion. risks are spreading, with professional agitators lurking.

There is an abundant literature on what the government, despite the perennial state of emergency, the connected full powers and the abundant working groups of experts or presumed experts, managed not to do in seven months, from intensive care to transport, of medicine territorial to school. And the final attempt to unload the confinement on the shoulders of governors and mayors, blaming the behavior of citizens and self-absolution for their actions, has failed miserably. It is only now in the bunker at Palazzo Chigi that we realize that we no longer have weapons. Not even those from the Recovery Fund, heralded for months as a personal success by the prime minister, and confused in disturbing community negotiations: in fact, they will not be paid immediately, but in multiple installments starting with a first 10% (perhaps ) in mid-2021, only after a thorough verification of the results achieved and with conditionalities that are certainly worse than the generic ones planned for the Month, which at least has the advantage of seeing the sums advanced and for a useful destination for the country such as the strengthening the national health system. This is the balance of a terrible year, with the country in the hands of a tourism company clinging to power, which took advantage of Covid to consolidate it and now suddenly finds itself in front of it as an implacable guest of stone. It really is time to remove the disturbance.