Antimafia, 13 unpresentable in the Regionals – Other News


Thirteen in total unpresentable in the next regional elections, according to the code of party self-regulation and the Severino law. Of these, eleven for the self-regulation code and two for the Severino law. This is what emerges from the considerations of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, based on the controls arranged through the National Anti-Mafia Directorate.

There are nine ‘unpresentables’ in the Campania region. Of these, eight for the self-regulation code and one for the Severino law. With reference to the Severino law, the candidate Carlo Iannace (“De Luca Presidente” list) was informed, who was declared suspended as of March 31, 2016 from the position of regional councilor for a sentence of six years in prison public positions during five years for a story that saw him accused of embezzlement, attempted fraud and forgery. Eight candidates do not comply with the self-regulation code since they have been sent to trial and with trials in progress: they are Sabino Basso (“Free Campania – President De Luca”), accused of money laundering, Orsola De Stefano (“Lega Salvini Campania “), accused of extortion, Maria Grazia Di Scala (” Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro “), accused of extortion, Aureliano Iovine (” The People’s Liberal Democrats of Campania moderate with De Luca “), accused of various crimes, including the association Mafia-type criminal, Michele Langella (“Campania in Europe”), accused of money laundering, Monica Paolino (“Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro”), accused of political-mafioso electoral exchange, Francesco Plaitano (“Italian Republican Party”) , already denounced in 2015 by the Anti-Mafia Commission for violation of the self-regulation code for the same conviction for extortion, Francesco Silvestro (“Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro”), accused of extortion.

“The two candidates, Silvana Albani for” Puglia Solidale e Verde “and Vincenzo Gelardi for the” Progressive Party of the South of the South “informed today by the Anti-Mafia Commission must immediately suspend any electoral campaign activity”: this is what Michele Emiliano says about the Report came from the Anti-Mafia Commission on the “unstoppable”, who have denounced criminal convictions. “Compliance with the self-regulation code – Emiliano comments – is essential to be candidates in our coalition. Those responsible for the lists tell me that they would never have been aware of this violation, since the criminal certificates for electoral use presented to the candidates are not indicated the pending charges reported by the Commission, to which I thank the fundamental work carried out ”. There is a third report on Raffaele Guido, Fiamma Tricolore.