Anti-covid vaccine, Sileri: ‘It is false that there is no floor or refrigerators, burning gasoline is enough. Contagion? Quick to say that there is change ‘


New outburst of the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri, this time to the microphones of “Italy wakes up” (Radio Cusano Campus), on the recent controversy over the lack of cold rooms necessary for the conservation of anti-covid vaccine. “This is more gasoline thrown on the fire – says Sileri – First of all not all vaccines need to stay at -70 degrees. But how do you say that there are no refrigerators in hospitals? It is clear that there will not be in all ASLs, but, sorry, so far, how have hospitals managed to store drugs? It is also said that there is no vaccination plan and instead it is not true, You are already at work“.

And it increases, reiterating what was said “It’s not the sand “ last Sunday: “It is always easier to criticize and point the finger. Then we’ll see who was wrong and kick their ass, but now we are in a situation of war. Right now I’m not worried about unconstructive criticism. For me, criticism should only be constructive. If I am the head doctor and in the operating room a patient in my ward who has been operated on by another doctor is bleeding, what do I do? Do I call that doctor and accuse him of being wrong? – continues – No, I’m going to the patient’s operating room and then we’ll see what the hell happened. For me, this is the natural approach. Instead, everything else is unnatural. Whoever is at the helm, that is, the government and the Ministry of Health, must keep the helm straight and find the solution to the problem. After that, it is welcome that the problems arise, but for now it is the solution that counts and the one that makes the difference ”.

The deputy minister comments cautiously on the slowing down infections: “IT IS soon to be able to say that something is changing, a swallow does not make spring. A decrease is expected and desirable, because it is likely that the measures taken previously, and not only those of the last dpcm, have led to a reduction in infections. The decrease relative to the last dpcm, which is definitely stronger, we will see it in 7-10 days. So I would wait a few more days like yesterday to talk about reducing the number of infections. What we are doing today, with surgical closures and determination of zones of various colors, will see the expression of its effects in two weeks ”.

Sileri concludes: “Everyone is concerned that Italy could enter a generalized blockade. No, let’s look at the other side of the coin: if these measures work, for example in Lombardy and Piedmont, which were the first regions to turn red, will benefit in a week or ten days, starting today. Presumably this benefit will result in a color change, from red to orange or yellow. And so we will continue like this: some regions will be illuminated, other regions that are under more pressure will be monitored. In short, it is called coexistence with the virus. Thus, strong nerves, cold blood, confidence in the system and a lot of responsibility on the part of each one of us. It is a virus that has brought the entire planet to its knees, we must protect our doctors and nurses ”.
