Anti-Covid vaccine: reservations are open for health professionals and rsa – chronic


Florence, December 15, 2020 – Covid vaccines at the start in Tuscany, begins with the health workers and guests and employees of the RSA, as indicated by the Ministry. Starting today, in fact, and before Friday, December 18, you can reserve. Vaccination is not mandatory, but voluntary. The first type of vaccine available, scheduled for the second half of January, will be Pfizer-Biontech, whose approval by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is scheduled for December 29. Commissioner Arcuri had asked the Regions to communicate quickly, with the greatest possible precision, the number of doses planned for the first phase, since the logistics of distribution of this vaccine is extremely delicate. Among the health workers and guests of the RSA it is estimated that they are more than 120 thousand people in Tuscany could be vaccinated.

At the last State-Regions Conference, which was attended by the President Eugenio Giani, the health councilor Simone bezzini and the health coordinator of the regional crisis unit Carlo Tomassini, the commissioner confirmed that Tuscany will be able to count on all the necessary doses. The Tuscany Region has sent a letter to all health personnel, asking them to express their non-binding guidance through the regional portal ” Vaccine book ”, specially created. Those who do not book will be able to receive the vaccine only in the later stages that will affect the other population groups. For RSA patients, it will be the responsibility of the heads of the structures to transmit the communication and the number of members. “The vaccine is a great opportunity offered by science,” says President Eugenio Giani. This vaccination campaign represents a decisive battle for humanity in the fight against the pandemic, a historic challenge that we can win, if we know how to be united and organized. The goal is to ensure the maximum vaccination coverage possible, starting with those most at risk. ”

”We left, Tuscany is ready – adds the commissioner Simone Bezzini -. I wish the greatest possible participation in the vaccination campaign, the health of each and every one is at stake. The success of the first phase is a decisive step in the battle against Covid. The working group meets every day and is involved in all phases of the process: from the arrival of the vaccine to its administration, passing through the portioning of a vial. In fact, it is necessary to take care of each piece of the mosaic in detail. ” In addition to managing the arrival and storage of the vaccine in absolute safety, the working group (composed of 45 members, including many professionals from health companies) has the task of drawing up its own vaccination schedule, based on detailed models. and precise procedures. ”About the places assigned to the administration – Bezzini continues – it will be of three types: i 12 main hospitals already communicated to the Government, territorial units to serve the areas furthest from the large hospitals and reach all territories and RSA. A great team effort, which will involve the entire Tuscan health system. I thank everyone for the great work they are doing and will do to bring an unprecedented vaccination campaign to life. ”

me 12 main provincial hospitals are as follows: Aou Careggi, new hospital of San Giovanni di Dio in Florence; The San Iacopo hospital in Pistoia; Santo Stefano Hospital in Prato; The San Giuseppe de Empoli hospital; Aou Pisana; Livorno Hospital; San Luca Hospital Unit in Lucca; Apuan Hospital in Massa; Aou Senese; Hospital San Donato in Arezzo and Hospital Misericordia in Grosseto.
