Some have tried to “bypass” their turn, infiltrating the compromised white coats on the front line, even if they have been retired for some time. Or who were included in the list even though they are not among the groups at risk, such as the six students from the University of Catania. There are rectors, managers and heads of departments that do not belong to Covid already vaccinated and doctors and nurses from Covid divisions waiting for the call. In the race for vaccines in Sicily, we move forward in no particular order. And it is a hunt for the “Portuguese” for camouflaged vaccines in the public of the 141,000 titled. On the morning of New Year’s Eve, a group of health workers showed up at the Asp de Palermo vaccination center in Villa delle Ginestre, although they were not on the list of those hired. Among them were retired white coats and general practitioners, who the healthcare company plans to vaccinate at a later time after vaccinating intern employees. The ASP ran for cover by closing the doors to those who did not have the papers in order.
Sicily is the second region for the number of anti-Covid vaccines delivered, but it is the penultimate in administrations

According to the emergency commissioner Renato Costa, the management of the health company has issued a service order that provides for self-certification: “You must declare that you are an employee of the company and that you are actually on duty,” Costa explains. “Someone,” says the commissioner who tried to get vaccinated despite being retired. The self-certification that will occur will be verified on a case-by-case basis. The objective is divided as follows: 79,385 health professionals and personnel working in hospitals; 21,551 guests and 10,463 operators of the 1,465 RSA; 8,600 private health professionals; 3,092 118 operators (Seus); 4,721 among general practitioners and pediatricians; 1,455 employees in general practitioners and pediatricians’ offices; 2,956 territorial emergency medicine operators; 4,527 employees hired for the Covid emergency; 800 students of general medicine courses; 3,534 scholarship holders.
The anti-Covid vaccines at the Messina Polyclinic are underway, starting with the rector and managers
by Tullio Filippone

“The controls are in place and all the data is entered into a national platform,” said health councilor Ruggero Razza in an interview with Repubblica. However, according to the complaints of the unions, the order of priority has not always been respected, which provides for a preferential lane for those who work in the departments with the highest risk of contagion. To raise doubts, already after the v-day of December 27, the Cimo hospital doctors union: “In the ASP of Catania, nurses and doctors from the most exposed departments were chosen in the first instance. First doses, instead we have been witnesses of shameful catwalks of directors of non-Covid departments and friends of friends, who were vaccinated under the gaze of reporters, photographers and spectators as if it were a party ”, is the thrust of the regional secretary Riccardo Spampinato, on duty at the Covid hospital in Acireale.
Sicily is late for vaccinations: race to make up for lost time
by Giusi Spica

Yesterday morning, the Messina Polyclinic began the vaccination campaign with the rector, Salvatore Cuzzocrea, professor of pharmacology, the extraordinary commissioner Giampiero Bonaccorsi, the health director Antonino Levita and all the directors of the welfare department. Someone on the Facebook page of the University of Messina let out some comments: “I would have preferred to see healthcare workers working closely with Covid. “A way to set a good example,” said the note from the university. “In any case, I was vaccinated as a health worker, as a pharmacology professor who directs the Polyclinic unit that prepares medicines, and for this I had regularly reserved – Cuzzocrea specifies – also others, from the medical director to the administrative and the emergency and resuscitation nurses were part of the objective ”.
In the case of the six representatives of the students of the University of Catania, who were vaccinated on Wednesday at the Policlinico di Palermo, on the other hand, Codacons Sicilia intervened: “The vaccines are few, the rules of the ministry have not been respected.” While the Catania medical student, Edoardo Falcone, wrote an open letter to the rector Francesco Priolo, with the request to clarify “why the university has decided that doctors or nurses or other operators in the sector today should not receive what they receive of denial, it is their right and duty to be able to do the work that has kept us all alive for months.