Anti-Covid vaccine for 67,461 Italians, Arcuri: “Second in Europe”


Anti-Covid vaccine for 46,030 Italians, at the head of those over 50, Lazio the most virtuous region

The total number of anti-Covid vaccinations in Italy has reached 67,461. This is the most recent data available on the online portal of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency, updated at 10 p.m. Italy ranks second in Europe, after Germany, for the number of people vaccinated. This is what the offices of the Commissioner for Emergency, Domenico Arcuri, say.

The most vaccinated age group is 50-59 years (19,105), followed by 40-49 (15,459) and 30-39 (11,991). Phase 1 of vaccination, which officially began between December 30 and 31 depending on the region, involves health and social-health workers (57,393 are currently vaccinated), non-health personnel (5,717) and guests of the RSA (4,351 ).

Last update: 23:32

