Anti Covid Vaccine, first day in Venice. What is it and who will not be vaccinated?


“A piece of RNA from the injected virus that enters human cells and stimulates the production of the protein Spike, which allows Covid to activate.” Dr. Luca Sbrogiò from Ulss 3, director of the Prevention department, clarified the multiple aspects related to the vaccine and vaccination against the coronavirus, on this first day of the European administration campaign, which worried the Venetian. Meanwhile, admissions to the province’s hospitals are increasing slightly. «The beds are there, we take care of and take care of everyone. There is no one left in the corridors here, ”said Ulss 3 director Guiseppe Dal Ben. The doses of the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine, 110 in Ulss 3 and about 50 in Ulss 4, arrived at the Angelo hospital in Mestre on Sunday morning, around 10:30. They have been unpacked and distributed in Venice, Dolo and Mirano and Chioggia. “The human organism – Sbrogiò continued – recognizes this Spike protein as not its own and prepares antibodies, which then block it when they come into contact with the virus. The vaccine cannot transmit any disease. As soon as one comes into contact with the virus, the immune memory of the organism that blocks the Covid starts.

Control after administration

The Aifa (National Drug Agency) vaccine, ours, has been approved for people over 16 years of age. The only indications on the package insert refer to allergies to the first injection or allergies to the excipients present in the vaccine. These can be reasons for temporary exclusion, such as an acute illness, possibly feverish, so waiting is recommended. Women who are expecting a child are not required to be vaccinated at this time. The objective is to vaccinate a percentage of 80-90% of the population, since it was created to reach everyone: in our case the 120 thousand people of the Ulss 3 territory. Once the anti-Covid vaccine has been administered, it implies an observation of about a quarter of an hour, and the following may occur: fever lines, headache, or redness at the injection site, which are transient effects.

Group immunity

“We need a large number of people vaccinated together – said Sbrogiò – also in reference to the mutations of the virus, because the more it circulates, the more likely it is to change within living organisms. If the virus stops circulating, the epidemic ceases and changes are prevented. The idea is to vaccinate the vast majority of people in the world so that there is no viral movement. Regarding the priority in the categories that should be vaccinated, in our territory, after the health workers, it will be the turn of the nursing homes, with the doses that will arrive each week (about 4,410). With the public service categories, health workers will try to organize with those who manage staff. Then there may be calls Municipality by Municipality, for example, and the vaccination will be done in a Drive-through mode (person to be vaccinated in the car) or in any case in gyms, sports centers, in spaces with adequate capacity to ensure spacing.

The primary vaccinated in Mestre

Dr. Fabio Presotto, Angelo Hospital’s chief of medicine, was one of the first to receive the vaccine on Sunday morning. He did this voluntarily, he said. «I had no contraindications and I read a lot of literature taking this gesture responsibly and with great will. I consider myself the representative of the entire healthcare team. If the message translates into an invitation to get vaccinated, I’ll be satisfied. ” The doctor did not show any discomfort after administration. “Too bad for this sunny day, I would have gone for a run – he said – but as it is prescribed as a precaution, on the day of vaccination you have to rest.” In this Ulss there are 21,000 people to be vaccinated on a priority basis (hospitals and nursing homes), and there are 5,588 public hospital operators, 1,438 private hospital operators, 4,162 local health operators, 4,606 nursing home operators and 5,303 guests. nursing homes.

“It was especially exciting to see the first doses of the vaccine arrive in our region – said Federico D’Incà, Minister of Relations with Parliament – today is a historic day for Veneto and for the whole country. The first vaccines that have been administered today are the result of intense work by the government and the entire majority, with a well-organized plan and growing collaboration between European states. It will be essential to maintain a high level of care and not lower our guard, because we cannot allow ourselves to be wrong: that is why I appeal to the great sense of responsibility of the citizens of Veneto that has been demonstrated since the beginning of the pandemic. I will vaccinate as soon as it is my turn, “concluded the minister.” “It is an unprecedented action by the State in terms of complexity and capillarity: never in history has there been a campaign like the one that has just begun and that will be fully developed in the coming months – commented the Undersecretary of the Interior Achille Variati – A challenge within the greater challenge than the battle against the pandemic and its disastrous health and socioeconomic effects. We know it will take until after the summer to vaccinate the majority of the population. Above all, we know that our behavior between now and then will determine how many more deaths we will mourn in Italy. But today is really a beautiful page, which is just to celebrate and live as a moment of light and hope.
