Anti covid vaccine, 36 points per administration in Sicily


There will be 294 points throughout Italy where the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be administered, but only 222 (which will become 289 as of January 7) are equipped with “Ult” (ultra low temperature) cells to store doses at very low temperatures. low. temperatures. And 7 hospitals, 5 in Liguria, one in Lazio and one in Puglia, don’t have one.

The numbers are contained in one of the tables that the Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri presented during the meeting with the Regions for the approval of the vaccination plan.

According to the table, 7 are the administration points in Abruzzo, 5 in Basilicata, 6 in Calabria, 27 in Campania, 13 in Emilia Romagna, 5 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 20 in Lazio, 15 in Liguria, 65 in Lombardy, 7 in Marche, 2 in Molise, 8 in the province of Bolzano, 2 in the province of Trento, 28 in Piedmont, 11 in Puglia, 12 in Sardinia, 36 in Sicily, 12 in Tuscany, 4 in Umbria, 2 in Valle d’Aosta and 7 in Veneto.

