Anti Covid pendant, union policeman Tiani resigned from Innova Puglia after a phone call to Michele Emiliano: “I was wrong”


“I was wrong to show that object. I am not a person attached to armchairs. I quit”. Giuseppe Tiani, contacted by says “mortified”. The secretary of the Ready, one of the police unions, close to the center left, has just decided to resign as president of InnovaPuglia Spa, the company owned by Puglia region on top of which he had been for over a year, appointed by the governor Michele Emiliano. On the other hand, for more than 24 hours a video, an extract from the meeting of the Commission security of House of Representatives, where he shows and almost promotes a pendant-ionizer that, according to him, would have the ability to “eliminate any positive virus in a cubic meter”.

“But I didn’t have to say ‘virus’, I had to say’bacterium‘OR’impurity‘. I said it wrong. In fact, he should never have shown that thing. He was exploited politically, ”insists Tiani. To deliver it, according to him, an engineer sitting next to him, Michele Weather for winter sports in Ramaglia, teacher inFederico II University of Naples and owner of a Caserta business, the Adiramef. This last company has participated in several competitions in recent years Region Puglia, both in the health and energy sectors. The last one is from November 3 and refers to a project called ‘soft‘, partially funded by Lombardy region and “completed – reports a press release from the Lombard council to Economic progress – the creation of new products and services “dedicated to”elderly subjects fragile or for people who suffer pathologies chronic disability “through” the development of solutions that rely mainly on the use of ‘Technologies in the field of information and communication‘”” But the fault is mine alone, “he repeats, while under President Emiliano the storm of phone calls. “I have to talk to him, he didn’t know anything. I have a sense of institutions and I know when to step aside. I can only say that I am mortified”, He concludes.

In fact, the hanging ionizer is produced by an Isernia company, the Medal Center Spa, a start-up, headed by twins David and Daniel feig, descendant of a family of Jewish origin well known in Molise. His father, Simone, 70, is an important man business consultant: only two months was acquitted with full formula after being accused of 9 years in the trial for bankruptcy of the Itierre Participation, leader in the haute couture sector, which entailed the first degree sentence of 7 years for the entrepreneur Tonino Leg. The Feigs, busy in the energy sector, after seeing their project for a large wind farm in Molise vanish in 2015, created a photovoltaic field for the first time on their property between Venafro me Isernia while, among other things, father and children participate together in the board of auditors of Geotec Spa, a major drilling company based in Campobasso It’s in Tirana.

“But we in Puglia only go on vacation and Tiani didn’t even know who he was,” say David and Daniel, contacted by “We have never met this gentleman – they explain – we have never had relations politiciansand much less with President Emiliano or people close to him. He even made us one bad advertising, without describing the purpose of our product. If we wanted a testimonial, we would have chosen a popularizer, perhaps a scientist. Or a beautiful girl. There Ferragni no, because we can’t afford it ”. Simone Feig, the progenitorShe adds: “My children are devastated, they have families, they are afraid of having to give up. I’m pressuring you to keep going, don’t be discouraged. ” Tiani confirms: “If I wanted to make a marchettaIt would have made him have a contract. I heard from them Tuesday, through a contact from Isernia Prosecutor. We were both appalled. “
