Another student is positive, swabs are taken for classmates and teachers


A new case of positivity for Covid-19 was found this Wednesday in a young woman who attends the first class of an institute in Cesena. According to the procedure, the anti-contagion school safety protocol was immediately activated, with the Cesena public hygiene personnel who carried out an inspection at the institute. The Cesena institutes that have already had cases are Righi, the Alpi linguistic institute and Pascal.

From the epidemiological investigation, said the Ausl, it appears that the minor attended the class, presenting clinically insignificant and mild symptoms, which represent a frequent condition and in themselves are not necessarily a reason for not attending or leaving school, but that however, they are related to a later diagnosed SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Therefore, all classmates were considered close contacts and will remain in home isolation, with active health surveillance for 14 days from the last exposure. Already today they will be cleaned with swabs.

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Teachers and auxiliary personnel will also be called in for swabbing, but for cognitive monitoring purposes. Unlike the boys, having shared the same environment for fewer hours, for them there is no isolation and they can continue the activity with a mask.
