
«Reduce the contagion rate of COVID-19 another is needed emergency shutdown true. “To say that it is Walter Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and advisor to the Minister of Health, spoke today at the webinar “Beyond the emergency” that took place today virtually in Veronafiere. “The way forward,” he explained, “is outlined by an investigation by the University of Edinburgh, published in The Lancet last week: another blockade is needed.”
ALSO READ Covid Italy, here is the risk map province by province
According to Ricciardi, as emerged from the webinar that disseminated the text, “to reduce the contagion rate by 24% a closure is necessary, another 15% reduction would occur with the closure of schools, another 13% with widespread smartworking in the sector public and private and 7% with interventions in public transport ».
According to Ricciardi “in Europe the situation is out of control because governments hesitate to make the courageous decisions they need at the right time, anticipating the virus and not pursuing it.”». Referring to the measurements taken by the last Dpcm, he added: «The coronavirus cannot be contained: it must be mitigated, and this only happens with actual closures, not with these facade measures. If we combine the technological tools we have with rational thinking, we can reverse the curve and face a winter that is not as dramatic as it is otherwise.». In Italy, «with a contagion rate of 2.5 and tens of thousands of outbreaks».
Italy, which does not want to return to a covid lockdown, shows the danger of specific restrictions: The Washington Post https://t.co/U8FMLmwF8T
– Walter Ricciardi (@WRicciardi) October 26, 2020
The set of blockades and other procedures listed, explains Ricciardi, “would stabilize in eight days and then drastically lower the contagion curve. Relying on the responsibility of individual citizens, at best, would lead to a reduction in infections by just 3%. ”
Last update: October 27 at 06:25