“Another 83-year-old with ca ***”, “Vulgar and bad, God forgive her” – Libero Quotidiano


The rags fly between Alberto Zangrillo me Savage Lucarelli, the first guest a Clean slate of Corrado formigli He returned to La7 on Thursday, September 10 and is the second regular guest of the new edition of the program. But rags fly on Twitter, not face to face. Saint Raffaele’s physician, in fact, speaking of Silvio Berlusconi positive to coronavirus He said that in his opinion “in March or April he would die.” The fact is that, Zangrillo explained, the viral load detected by the Forza Italia leader’s tampon was very high, but obviously today the Covid-19 has changed and is less aggressive. Words taken up and relaunched on Twitter by Lucarelli: “Zangrì, let’s say that in March, meanwhile, Berlusconi would have found a place in intensive care, another 83-year-old with caz*** “. Clear and immediate response of a furious Zangrillo:” You are a vulgar and bad woman. I say this in defense of the doctors and nurses who have worked by my side, tirelessly to save the last of the last. God have forgiveness for you. Very heavy words.

Dear Calabresi, if you are here to provoke ... Hard-nosed zangrillo.  sensational clash live from Formigli |  Video
