another 6 positive at school, 5 classes in isolation


Another day, other cases. The count of positives to the coronavirus has increased in the schools of Milan, which in the last hours have been opened after the long lockout – carried out between February and March – due to the emergency of the coronavirus.

On Wednesday, according to the balance provided by Ats metropolitan city of Milan, six new positives were found among the counters. There are five students, one a micronid, four preschool, and a teacher. The 5 classes of young students have already been placed in isolation, while no measures have been taken for the institution where the teacher is teaching at the moment.

According to ministerial guidelines, classmates are effectively classified as “close contacts” and are automatically placed in isolation. Different speech, however, for educators, teachers and school operators who if they respect distance and the use of personal protective equipment are considered safe.

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On Tuesday, 24 hours after the new first bell, 4 cases were discovered. The positives, Ats explained, were found “one in a primary school, one in a kindergarten, one in a nursery and one in a nursery school.” There had also been the procedures that “led to the isolation of the classes attended” by the children and the isolation of an educator.

Based on what we learned, all the new cases concern students who had been swabbed and were waiting for the results, but who obviously attended the lessons anyway. Precisely for this Wednesday, the General Directorate of Welfare of the Lombardy Region recalled that those who have not yet received the test results should not go to school.

School and covid, what happens with a positive in the classroom
