Another 4 Regions towards closure: this is what they risk


Soon the colors of some Regions Italians could change. To try to fight the spread of the virus, doctors across Italy are clamoring for a total shutdown and the government doesn’t seem to know what to do. The confusion is great and can be seen in the fact that the executive is late. Yes, because the decisions that were expected for yesterday afternoon, Sunday, November 8, were instead postponed to today, Monday, 9, only after the ISS report with all the data sent by the Regions. The decision will be made only after scientists have studied the data received and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has discussed it with the various governors.

According to the Corriere, some rumors speak of four regions at risk that could change color: Liguria, Abruzzo, Umbria and Campania, which could change from yellow to red. As for Campania, administered by Governor Vincenzo De Luca, total chaos seems to reign, with meetings skipped at any moment. “The government is awkward because you can’t change color after three days. Okay, we’re at the attractions, but let’s avoid the roller coaster “ a Campanian councilor would have said.

Delays and confusion

The control room meeting was initially scheduled for 3 p.m. yesterday, then postponed an hour later, and finally canceled and postponed at 3 p.m. today. The meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee, which should have discussed the epidemiological curve of the regions considered at risk, was also postponed, expressing its own opinion on the band in which to insert these territories, be it orange or red.

But the governors seem to have asked for more time to collect and send the data, time that the Ministry of Health has decided to grant them. Perhaps also for the idea of ​​communicating new locks Sunday would bring part of the population to rush their suitcases to reach other territories. The truth is that confusion also reigns in the collection and analysis of the data that the regions must transmit to the Higher Institute of Health. With only two hours left until the start of the comparison, up to nine Regions had not yet sent their newsletters, or were incomplete in any case.

Investigations also in other Regions

At this point, it will be up to the magistrates to understand why. Also because it seems that the investigation initiated in Liguria by the Genoa Public Ministry will also affect other realities in the coming hours. First of all, Campania, which does not seem to have a real situation compatible with the figures collected. It seems that the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, is “Analyzing the data with a magnifying glass”. Yesterday was the peak of 4,600 positives. The figures are compiled by local health authorities, communicated and then studied on the basis of the 21 parameters that decide the three risk bands.

The Liguria data is still under investigation. Lazio has a good hospital structure and therefore seems to be holding out for the moment. Intensive care units are filling up in Abruzzo and Marche. In Tuscany, older Rsa guests are concerned, many of whom have positive results. Veneto is also controlled. It must be said that last week, when three Regions, Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria, ended up in the red zone, it was Speranza who signed theorder before receiving the opinion of Cts. Despite the provisions of the Dpcm, creating no little confusion and discontent.
